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synced 2025-02-22 14:34:44 +01:00
Finish English translation (#12)
* [Feature] Espionage 0.5 speed * [Languages] Start translating app to English * [Languages] More English translations * [Languages] Finish English translation * Fix bugs in typing * Revert "[Feature] Espionage 0.5 speed" This reverts commit b925d3137a724cd744970eb313c4799832c50a4f. * Remove Espionage [*] * Another typo * Fix things that were described in review * Fix typo * Hour -> Time * Update line breaks in strings file. * Remove unneeded whitespace. * Update English translations. Co-authored-by: Kuba Szczodrzyński <kuba@szczodrzynski.pl>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1235,5 +1235,135 @@
<string name="permissions_attachment">In order to download the file, you have to grant file storage permission for the application.\n\nClick OK to grant the permission.</string>
<string name="permissions_denied">You denied the required permissions for the application.\n\nIn order to grant the permission, open the Permissions screen for Szkolny.eu in phone settings.\n\nClick OK to open app settings now.</string>
<string name="permissions_required">Required permissions</string>
<string name="settings_register_hide_sticks_from_old">Your mother won\'t see your F grades</string>
<string name="settings_register_hide_sticks_from_old">Hide sticks from old</string>
<string name="build_official">Official build</string>
<string name="build_platform_play">Google Play</string>
<string name="login_chooser_testing_title">Testing version</string>
<string name="login_chooser_mode_recommended">{cmd-information-outline} Recommended</string>
<string name="login_chooser_mode_dev_only">{cmd-android-studio} Developer version</string>
<string name="login_chooser_mode_testing">{cmd-alert-circle-outline} Testing version</string>
<string name="eggs">\???</string>
<string name="see_also">See also</string>
<string name="settings_about_github_text">Source code</string>
<string name="build_branch">Git branch</string>
<string name="build_platform_apk">.APK</string>
<string name="build_platform_unofficial">Unofficial (.APK)</string>
<string name="build_commit">Commit hash</string>
<string name="build_dirty">Unsaved changes</string>
<string name="build_tag">Last tag</string>
<string name="build_rev_count">Commits since last tag</string>
<string name="build_remote">Remote repository</string>
<string name="build_details">Build details</string>
<string name="build_dialog_open_repo">Check code</string>
<string name="profile_config_name_hint">Profile name</string>
<string name="profile_config_logout">Logout</string>
<string name="profile_config_sync_enabled">Synchronize this profile</string>
<string name="home_availability_update">Update</string>
<string name="update_available_later">Not now</string>
<string name="update_available_button">Update</string>
<string name="login_type_edudziennik">EduDziennik</string>
<string name="login_form_title_format">Log in - %s</string>
<string name="attendance_details_date">Date</string>
<string name="attendance_details_teacher">Teacher</string>
<string name="attendance_tab_days">By days</string>
<string name="attendance_tab_list">List</string>
<string name="attendance_lesson_number_format">lesson %d</string>
<string name="attendance_tab_types">By type</string>
<string name="settings_add_student_text">Add new student</string>
<string name="attendance_details_lesson_topic">Lesson subject</string>
<string name="register_unavailable_read_more">Read more</string>
<string name="build_version">App version</string>
<string name="settings_about_version_details_text">Version details</string>
<string name="build_date">Build date</string>
<string name="error_no_api_access">No API access</string>
<string name="attendance_details_time">Time</string>
<string name="settings_about_github_subtext">Help with app development on GitHub</string>
<string name="build_platform">Distribution</string>
<string name="build_validate_progress">Build verification in progress...</string>
<string name="attendance_tab_months">By months</string>
<string name="attendance_tab_summary">Summary</string>
<string name="attendance_details_type">Type</string>
<string name="home_availability_info">See more</string>
<string name="home_availability_title">Update available</string>
<string name="settings_about_version_details_subtext">Build details</string>
<string name="home_availability_text">Update app to the latest version - %s.</string>
<string name="update_available_title">App update available</string>
<string name="home_archive_close">Close archive</string>
<string name="home_archive_title">Archived profile</string>
<string name="profile_archived_title">Profile is archived</string>
<string name="profile_year_not_started_title">Holiday ;)</string>
<string name="profile_archiving_title">The end of the school year</string>
<string name="login_podlasie_logout_devices">Logout from other devices</string>
<string name="event_manual_no_profile">Student profile not found.</string>
<string name="settings_about_homepage_text">Go to application website</string>
<string name="settings_about_homepage_subtext">Get help or support authors</string>
<string name="build_invalid_title">Information about application version</string>
<string name="home_archive_close_no_target_title">No current profile</string>
<string name="login_platform_list_loading">Loading e-registers list...</string>
<string name="login_mode_podlasie_api">Log in using token</string>
<string name="login_mode_podlasie_api_guide">Provide mobile app token.</string>
<string name="attendance_config_title">Attendance configuration</string>
<string name="attendance_config_use_symbols">Show symbols and colors from e-register config</string>
<string name="attendance_empty_text">There are no absences here.</string>
<string name="grades_empty_text">There are no grades in this semester</string>
<string name="menu_attendance_config">Attendance settings</string>
<string name="login_chooser_title">What is your e-register at school?</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_synergia">Log in using login and password</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_synergia_hint">Use a login in form of \"9874123u\"</string>
<string name="login_mode_vulcan_api">Use token, symbol and PIN code</string>
<string name="login_mode_vulcan_api_hint">Register device on journal VULCAN® page</string>
<string name="login_mode_vulcan_web">Use e-mail/username and password</string>
<string name="edziennik_progress_login_podlasie_api">Logging in to PPE...</string>
<string name="login_type_podlasie">Podlaska Platforma Edukacyjna</string>
<string name="login_mode_edudziennik_web">Log in using e-mail and password</string>
<string name="edziennik_progress_login_vulcan_web_main">Logging in to VULCAN® register...</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_jst">Login via VULCAN® platform</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_email">Log in using e-mail</string>
<string name="attendance_details_id">Attendance ID</string>
<string name="login_mode_mobidziennik_web">Log in with the server name, login and password</string>
<string name="login_mode_vulcan_web_hint">Log in with the data that you provide on VULCAN® e-register website</string>
<string name="login_mode_mobidziennik_web_hint">Provide data, that you use on e-register website</string>
<string name="attendance_details_type_id">Base type ID</string>
<string name="attendance_details_is_counted">Counted to the stats?</string>
<string name="login_chooser_subtitle">Choose which e-register your school uses. If you have several accounts in different e-registere, you will be able to add them later.</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_email_hint">You must have a LIBRUS® Rodzina account</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_jst_hint">Only Oświata w Radomiu and Innowacyjny Tarnobrzeg</string>
<string name="login_platform_list_title">How do you log into the e-register?</string>
<string name="attendance_config_group_consecutive_days">Group consecutive days on the list</string>
<string name="attendance_config_use_symbols_hint">Visible when the list is expanded</string>
<string name="attendance_config_show_presence_in_month">Display attendance in months view</string>
<string name="attendance_percentage_format">%.2f%%</string>
<string name="attendance_period_summary_format">Attendance during this period: %.2%%</string>
<string name="settings_add_student_subtext">Log in child/parent account in app</string>
<string name="login_mode_edudziennik_web_guide">Enter the e-mail address and password that you use to log in to the browser on the EduDziennik website.</string>
<string name="profile_year_not_started_format">Probably the school year for this student has not yet started (will start %s). Please try to sync later.</string>
<string name="profile_archiving_format">The school year ended on %s. Student data from the previous year will be moved to the archive for later review.</string>
<string name="login_copyright_notice">Trademarks featured in this application belong to their rightful owners and are used for informational purposes only.</string>
<string name="home_archive_text">You are viewing a student\'s data from the school year %d/%d.</string>
<string name="login_mode_edudziennik_web_hint">Use data, that you enter on the e-register website</string>
<string name="permissions_qr_scanner">To be able to scan the QR code, you need to grant access to the camera.\n\nClick OK to grant permissions.</string>
<string name="rate_snackbar_negative_message">It\'s a pity, the opinions of others help me develop the application.</string>
<string name="login_chooser_testing_text">The selected login method is still being tested and may not work properly. If you have problems with the app, please choose the recommended login method.</string>
<string name="update_available_fallback">You have an outdated version of the Szkolny.eu application. You need to update the app to continue to sync data.</string>
<string name="update_available_format">You are using an old version of the Szkolny.eu application (%s). To use the app and ensure the best performance, please upgrade to %s. Change log: %s</string>
<string name="profile_archived_text">You are viewing a student\'s data from the previous school year (%d /%d). Syncing and downloading of messages and some homework have been disabled. To open a student\'s profile for the current year, select Close Archive on the home page.</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_jst_guide">Log in to LIBRUS® Synergia on your computer, select the Mobile Applications tab, then enter the received Token and PIN below.</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_synergia_guide">Enter the login received from the school with which you log into LIBRUS® Synergia (purple form).\n\nIt is recommended to log in with the LIBRUS® Family account (using e-mail) in the previous step.</string>
<string name="login_mode_librus_email_guide">Log in with your LIBRUS® Rodzina account, which works in the official LIBRUS® application and on the website portal.librus.pl, in the blue form. \n\nIf you do not have a LIBRUS® Rodzina account, you can create one at https://portal.librus.pl/rodzina/register.</string>
<string name="login_platform_list_loading_timeout">If it takes too long, please check your internet connection and restart the application.</string>
<string name="login_platform_list_subtitle">Select which image corresponds to the one you see when logging in to your log website. If your school doesn\'t use any of these city platforms, choose the first option.</string>
<string name="build_invalid_remote_no_commit">You have an application build with unpublished changes. The build is in the repository:\n%1$s (%2$s)\nwhich is private or does not contain the latest changes.\n\nFor security reasons and compliance with the license, the use of the application has been blocked.</string>
<string name="login_mode_vulcan_api_guide">Log in to the VULCAN® log on your computer, select the Mobile Access tab, click the Register mobile device button. Enter the received Token, Symbol and PIN in the fields below.</string>
<string name="login_mode_vulcan_web_guide">Enter the data that you log in to the VULCAN® log website or the city platform.</string>
<string name="build_invalid_official_unsigned">You cannot modify this type of compilation of the Szkolny.eu application.\n\nTo make your own changes, please use the source code available on GitHub and see the README and license information.\n\nhttps://szkolny.eu/github/android</string>
<string name="build_invalid_unstaged_changes">This build contains changes not committed to any revision. Save and publish all changes before \"release\".\n\nFor security reasons and for compliance with the license, the use of the application has been blocked.</string>
<string name="build_invalid_debug">You are using a \"debug\" build. This information will only be displayed once for the current device.</string>
<string name="build_valid_unofficial">You are using an unofficial compilation of the Szkolny.eu application. We recommend that you use only the official versions of the application.\n\nLast changes in this version were made by:\n%3$s\nin the repository:\n%1$s (%2$s).\n\nThis window will not reappear.</string>
<string name="build_invalid_no_commit_hash">The hash of the current commit was not found. Check Gradle configuration.</string>
<string name="home_archive_close_no_target_text">Child %s does not have a profile on this account in the current school year. Probably this profile has been deleted or the student no longer attends this class.\n\nTo go to the current profile, select a student from the list or log in to their account with the Add student button.</string>
<string name="build_invalid_no_remote_repo">A reference to a remote repository was not found. Make sure you are using the official repository fork and verify your Gradle configuration.</string>
<string name="login_mode_mobidziennik_web_guide">"Enter the data you use to log in to the MobiDziennik website. As the server address, you can enter the address of the website where you have MobiDziennik. "</string>
<string name="permissions_generate_timetable">In order to be able to save the generated timetable, you must grant access rights to the device\'s memory.\n\nClick OK to grant permissions.</string>
<string name="login_summary_account_child">(Child)</string>
<string name="login_summary_account_parent">(Parent)</string>
@ -1346,10 +1346,6 @@
<string name="login_mode_vulcan_web_guide">Podaj dane, którymi logujesz się na stronie internetowej dziennika VULCAN® lub na miejskiej platformie.</string>
<string name="login_mode_mobidziennik_web_guide">Podaj dane, których używasz do logowania na stronie MobiDziennika. Jako adres serwera możesz wpisać adres strony internetowej, na której masz MobiDziennik.</string>
<string name="edziennik_progress_login_vulcan_web_main">Logowanie do dziennika VULCAN®...</string>
<string name="login_type_idziennik">iDziennik Progman / iUczniowie</string>
<string name="login_mode_idziennik_web">Zaloguj używając nazwy użytkownika i hasła</string>
<string name="login_mode_idziennik_web_hint">Podaj dane, których używasz na stronie internetowej e-dziennika</string>
<string name="login_mode_idziennik_web_guide">Użyj danych, które wpisujesz w formularz na stronie iDziennika. Jeśli nie pamiętasz hasła, wejdź na http://iuczniowie.progman.pl/ i kliknij przycisk \"Zapomniałem hasła\".</string>
<string name="login_type_edudziennik">EduDziennik</string>
<string name="login_mode_edudziennik_web">Zaloguj używając e-maila i hasła</string>
<string name="login_mode_edudziennik_web_hint">Użyj danych, które podajesz na stronie internetowej e-dziennika</string>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user