package com.mikepenz.materialdrawer; import; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import androidx.annotation.ColorInt; import androidx.annotation.ColorRes; import androidx.annotation.DimenRes; import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes; import androidx.annotation.IdRes; import androidx.annotation.LayoutRes; import androidx.annotation.MenuRes; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat; import androidx.core.view.GravityCompat; import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat; import androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout; import; import androidx.appcompat.view.SupportMenuInflater; import; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DefaultItemAnimator; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.FastAdapter; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IAdapter; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IAdapterExtension; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IExpandable; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItemAdapter; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.adapters.ItemAdapter; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.adapters.ModelAdapter; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.expandable.ExpandableExtension; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.listeners.OnClickListener; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.listeners.OnLongClickListener; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.utils.DefaultIdDistributor; import com.mikepenz.fastadapter.utils.DefaultIdDistributorImpl; import com.mikepenz.iconics.utils.Utils; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.holder.DimenHolder; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.AbstractDrawerItem; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.DividerDrawerItem; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.PrimaryDrawerItem; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.SecondaryDrawerItem; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.IDrawerItem; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.Selectable; import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.util.DrawerUIUtils; import com.mikepenz.materialize.Materialize; import com.mikepenz.materialize.MaterializeBuilder; import com.mikepenz.materialize.util.UIUtils; import com.mikepenz.materialize.view.ScrimInsetsRelativeLayout; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Created by mikepenz on 23.05.15. */ public class DrawerBuilder { // some internal vars // variable to check if a builder is only used once protected boolean mUsed = false; protected int mCurrentStickyFooterSelection = -1; protected boolean mAppended = false; // the activity to use protected Activity mActivity; protected RecyclerView.LayoutManager mLayoutManager; protected ViewGroup mRootView; protected Materialize mMaterialize; public final DefaultIdDistributor idDistributor = new DefaultIdDistributorImpl(); /** * default constructor */ public DrawerBuilder() { getAdapter(); } /** * Construct a Drawer by passing the activity to use for the generation * * @param activity current activity which will contain the drawer */ public DrawerBuilder(@NonNull Activity activity) { this.mRootView = (ViewGroup) activity.findViewById(; this.mActivity = activity; this.mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(mActivity); getAdapter(); } /** * Sets the activity which will be generated for the generation * The activity is required and will be used to inflate the content in. * After generation it is set to null to prevent a memory leak. * * @param activity current activity which will contain the drawer */ public DrawerBuilder withActivity(@NonNull Activity activity) { this.mRootView = (ViewGroup) activity.findViewById(; this.mActivity = activity; this.mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(mActivity); return this; } /** * Sets the rootView which will host the DrawerLayout * The content of this view will be extracted and added as the new content inside the drawerLayout * * @param rootView a view which will get switched out by the DrawerLayout and added as its child */ public DrawerBuilder withRootView(@NonNull ViewGroup rootView) { this.mRootView = rootView; //disable the translucent statusBar we don't need it withTranslucentStatusBar(false); return this; } /** * Sets the rootView which will host the DrawerLayout * The content of this view will be extracted and added as the new content inside the drawerLayout * * @param rootViewRes the id of a view which will get switched out by the DrawerLayout and added as its child */ public DrawerBuilder withRootView(@IdRes int rootViewRes) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } return withRootView((ViewGroup) mActivity.findViewById(rootViewRes)); } // set non translucent statusBar mode protected boolean mTranslucentStatusBar = true; /** * Sets that the view which hosts the DrawerLayout should have a translucent statusBar * This is true by default, so it's possible to display the drawer under the statusBar * * @param translucentStatusBar sets whether the statusBar is transparent (and the drawer is displayed under it) or not */ public DrawerBuilder withTranslucentStatusBar(boolean translucentStatusBar) { this.mTranslucentStatusBar = translucentStatusBar; return this; } // set if we want to display the specific Drawer below the statusBar protected Boolean mDisplayBelowStatusBar; /** * Sets that the slider of this Drawer should be displayed below the statusBar even with a translucentStatusBar * * @param displayBelowStatusBar sets wheter the slider of the drawer is displayed below the statusBar or not */ public DrawerBuilder withDisplayBelowStatusBar(boolean displayBelowStatusBar) { this.mDisplayBelowStatusBar = displayBelowStatusBar; return this; } //defines if we want a inner shadow (used in with the MiniDrawer) private boolean mInnerShadow = false; /** * sets if the drawer should show an inner shadow or not * * @param innerShadow sets wheter the drawer should display an inner shadow or not * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withInnerShadow(boolean innerShadow) { this.mInnerShadow = innerShadow; return this; } // the toolbar of the activity protected Toolbar mToolbar; /** * Sets the toolbar which should be used in combination with the drawer * This will handle the ActionBarDrawerToggle for you. * Do not set this if you are in a sub activity and want to handle the back arrow on your own * * @param toolbar the toolbar which is used in combination with the drawer */ public DrawerBuilder withToolbar(@NonNull Toolbar toolbar) { this.mToolbar = toolbar; return this; } // set non translucent NavigationBar mode protected boolean mTranslucentNavigationBar = false; /** * Set to true if you use a translucent NavigationBar * * @param translucentNavigationBar * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withTranslucentNavigationBar(boolean translucentNavigationBar) { this.mTranslucentNavigationBar = translucentNavigationBar; //if we disable the translucentNavigationBar it should be disabled at all if (!translucentNavigationBar) { this.mTranslucentNavigationBarProgrammatically = false; } return this; } // set to disable the translucent statusBar Programmatically protected boolean mTranslucentNavigationBarProgrammatically = false; /** * set this to true if you want a translucent navigation bar. * * @param translucentNavigationBarProgrammatically * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withTranslucentNavigationBarProgrammatically(boolean translucentNavigationBarProgrammatically) { this.mTranslucentNavigationBarProgrammatically = translucentNavigationBarProgrammatically; //if we enable the programmatically translucent navigationBar we want also the normal navigationBar behavior if (translucentNavigationBarProgrammatically) { this.mTranslucentNavigationBar = true; } return this; } // set non translucent NavigationBar mode protected boolean mFullscreen = false; /** * Set to true if the used theme has a translucent statusBar * and navigationBar and you want to manage the padding on your own. * * @param fullscreen * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withFullscreen(boolean fullscreen) { this.mFullscreen = fullscreen; if (fullscreen) { withTranslucentStatusBar(true); withTranslucentNavigationBar(false); } return this; } // set to no systemUI visible mode protected boolean mSystemUIHidden = false; /** * Set to true if you use your app in complete fullscreen mode * with hidden statusBar and navigationBar * * @param systemUIHidden * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSystemUIHidden(boolean systemUIHidden) { this.mSystemUIHidden = systemUIHidden; if (systemUIHidden) { withFullscreen(systemUIHidden); } return this; } // a custom view to be used instead of everything else protected View mCustomView; /** * Pass a custom view if you need a completely custom drawer * content * * @param customView * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withCustomView(@NonNull View customView) { this.mCustomView = customView; return this; } // the drawerLayout to use protected DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; protected ScrimInsetsRelativeLayout mSliderLayout; /** * Pass a custom DrawerLayout which will be used. * NOTE: This requires the same structure as the drawer.xml * * @param drawerLayout * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withDrawerLayout(@NonNull DrawerLayout drawerLayout) { this.mDrawerLayout = drawerLayout; return this; } /** * Pass a custom DrawerLayout Resource which will be used. * NOTE: This requires the same structure as the drawer.xml * * @param resLayout * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withDrawerLayout(@LayoutRes int resLayout) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } if (resLayout != -1) { this.mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(resLayout, mRootView, false); } else { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) { this.mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.material_drawer_fits_not, mRootView, false); } else { this.mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.material_drawer, mRootView, false); } } return this; } //the background color for the slider protected int mSliderBackgroundColor = 0; protected int mSliderBackgroundColorRes = -1; protected Drawable mSliderBackgroundDrawable = null; protected int mSliderBackgroundDrawableRes = -1; /** * Set the background color for the Slider. * This is the view containing the list. * * @param sliderBackgroundColor * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSliderBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int sliderBackgroundColor) { this.mSliderBackgroundColor = sliderBackgroundColor; return this; } /** * Set the background color for the Slider from a Resource. * This is the view containing the list. * * @param sliderBackgroundColorRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSliderBackgroundColorRes(@ColorRes int sliderBackgroundColorRes) { this.mSliderBackgroundColorRes = sliderBackgroundColorRes; return this; } /** * Set the background drawable for the Slider. * This is the view containing the list. * * @param sliderBackgroundDrawable * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSliderBackgroundDrawable(@NonNull Drawable sliderBackgroundDrawable) { this.mSliderBackgroundDrawable = sliderBackgroundDrawable; return this; } /** * Set the background drawable for the Slider from a Resource. * This is the view containing the list. * * @param sliderBackgroundDrawableRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSliderBackgroundDrawableRes(@DrawableRes int sliderBackgroundDrawableRes) { this.mSliderBackgroundDrawableRes = sliderBackgroundDrawableRes; return this; } //the width of the drawer protected int mDrawerWidth = -1; /** * Set the DrawerBuilder width with a pixel value * * @param drawerWidthPx * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withDrawerWidthPx(int drawerWidthPx) { this.mDrawerWidth = drawerWidthPx; return this; } /** * Set the DrawerBuilder width with a dp value * * @param drawerWidthDp * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withDrawerWidthDp(int drawerWidthDp) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } this.mDrawerWidth = Utils.convertDpToPx(mActivity, drawerWidthDp); return this; } /** * Set the DrawerBuilder width with a dimension resource * * @param drawerWidthRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withDrawerWidthRes(@DimenRes int drawerWidthRes) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } this.mDrawerWidth = mActivity.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(drawerWidthRes); return this; } //the gravity of the drawer protected Integer mDrawerGravity = GravityCompat.START; /** * Set the gravity for the drawer. START, LEFT | RIGHT, END * * @param gravity * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withDrawerGravity(int gravity) { this.mDrawerGravity = gravity; return this; } //the account selection header to use protected AccountHeader mAccountHeader; protected boolean mAccountHeaderSticky = false; /** * Add a AccountSwitcherHeader which will be used in this drawer instance. * NOTE: This will overwrite any set headerView. * * @param accountHeader * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withAccountHeader(@NonNull AccountHeader accountHeader) { return withAccountHeader(accountHeader, false); } /** * Add a AccountSwitcherHeader which will be used in this drawer instance. Pass true if it should be sticky * NOTE: This will overwrite any set headerView or stickyHeaderView (depends on the boolean). * * @param accountHeader * @param accountHeaderSticky * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withAccountHeader(@NonNull AccountHeader accountHeader, boolean accountHeaderSticky) { this.mAccountHeader = accountHeader; this.mAccountHeaderSticky = accountHeaderSticky; return this; } // enable/disable the actionBarDrawerToggle animation protected boolean mAnimateActionBarDrawerToggle = false; /** * Set this to true if you want the ActionBarDrawerToggle to be animated. * NOTE: This will only work if the built in ActionBarDrawerToggle is used. * Enable it by setting withActionBarDrawerToggle to true * * @param actionBarDrawerToggleAnimated * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withActionBarDrawerToggleAnimated(boolean actionBarDrawerToggleAnimated) { this.mAnimateActionBarDrawerToggle = actionBarDrawerToggleAnimated; return this; } // enable the drawer toggle / if withActionBarDrawerToggle we will autoGenerate it protected boolean mActionBarDrawerToggleEnabled = true; /** * Set this to false if you don't need the included ActionBarDrawerToggle * * @param actionBarDrawerToggleEnabled * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withActionBarDrawerToggle(boolean actionBarDrawerToggleEnabled) { this.mActionBarDrawerToggleEnabled = actionBarDrawerToggleEnabled; return this; } // drawer toggle protected ActionBarDrawerToggle mActionBarDrawerToggle; /** * Add a custom ActionBarDrawerToggle which will be used in combination with this drawer. * * @param actionBarDrawerToggle * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withActionBarDrawerToggle(@NonNull ActionBarDrawerToggle actionBarDrawerToggle) { this.mActionBarDrawerToggleEnabled = true; this.mActionBarDrawerToggle = actionBarDrawerToggle; return this; } // defines if the drawer should scroll to top after click protected boolean mScrollToTopAfterClick = false; /** * defines if the drawer should scroll to top after click * * @param scrollToTopAfterClick * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withScrollToTopAfterClick(boolean scrollToTopAfterClick) { this.mScrollToTopAfterClick = scrollToTopAfterClick; return this; } // header view protected View mHeaderView; protected boolean mHeaderDivider = true; protected boolean mHeaderPadding = true; protected DimenHolder mHeiderHeight = null; /** * Add a header to the DrawerBuilder ListView. This can be any view * * @param headerView * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withHeader(@NonNull View headerView) { this.mHeaderView = headerView; return this; } /** * Add a header to the DrawerBuilder ListView defined by a resource. * * @param headerViewRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withHeader(@LayoutRes int headerViewRes) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } if (headerViewRes != -1) { //i know there should be a root, bit i got none here this.mHeaderView = mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(headerViewRes, null, false); } return this; } /** * Set this to false if you don't need the divider below the header * * @param headerDivider * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withHeaderDivider(boolean headerDivider) { this.mHeaderDivider = headerDivider; return this; } /** * Set this to false if you don't need the padding below the header * * @param headerPadding * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withHeaderPadding(boolean headerPadding) { this.mHeaderPadding = headerPadding; return this; } /** * Sets the header height for the header provided via `withHeader()` * * @param headerHeight the DimenHolder with the height we want to set for the header * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withHeaderHeight(DimenHolder headerHeight) { this.mHeiderHeight = headerHeight; return this; } // sticky view protected View mStickyHeaderView; // shadow shown on the top of the sticky header protected boolean mStickyHeaderShadow = true; /** * Add a sticky header below the DrawerBuilder ListView. This can be any view * * @param stickyHeader * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyHeader(@NonNull View stickyHeader) { this.mStickyHeaderView = stickyHeader; return this; } /** * Add a sticky header below the DrawerBuilder ListView defined by a resource. * * @param stickyHeaderRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyHeader(@LayoutRes int stickyHeaderRes) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } if (stickyHeaderRes != -1) { //i know there should be a root, bit i got none here this.mStickyHeaderView = mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(stickyHeaderRes, null, false); } return this; } /** * Set this to false if you don't want the shadow below the sticky header * * @param stickyHeaderShadow * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyHeaderShadow(boolean stickyHeaderShadow) { this.mStickyHeaderShadow = stickyHeaderShadow; return this; } // footer view protected View mFooterView; protected boolean mFooterDivider = true; protected boolean mFooterClickable = false; /** * Add a footer to the DrawerBuilder ListView. This can be any view * * @param footerView * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withFooter(@NonNull View footerView) { this.mFooterView = footerView; return this; } /** * Add a footer to the DrawerBuilder ListView defined by a resource. * * @param footerViewRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withFooter(@LayoutRes int footerViewRes) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } if (footerViewRes != -1) { //i know there should be a root, bit i got none here this.mFooterView = mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(footerViewRes, null, false); } return this; } /** * Set this to true if you want the footer to be clickable * * @param footerClickable * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withFooterClickable(boolean footerClickable) { this.mFooterClickable = footerClickable; return this; } /** * Set this to false if you don't need the divider above the footer * * @param footerDivider * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withFooterDivider(boolean footerDivider) { this.mFooterDivider = footerDivider; return this; } // sticky view protected ViewGroup mStickyFooterView; // divider shown on top of the sticky footer protected boolean mStickyFooterDivider = false; // sticky view protected View mStickyFooterShadowView; // shadow shown on the top of the sticky footer protected boolean mStickyFooterShadow = true; /** * Add a sticky footer below the DrawerBuilder ListView. This can be any view * * @param stickyFooter * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyFooter(@NonNull ViewGroup stickyFooter) { this.mStickyFooterView = stickyFooter; return this; } /** * Add a sticky footer below the DrawerBuilder ListView defined by a resource. * * @param stickyFooterRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyFooter(@LayoutRes int stickyFooterRes) { if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity first to use this call"); } if (stickyFooterRes != -1) { //i know there should be a root, bit i got none here this.mStickyFooterView = (ViewGroup) mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(stickyFooterRes, null, false); } return this; } /** * Set this to true if you want the divider above the sticky footer * * @param stickyFooterDivider * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyFooterDivider(boolean stickyFooterDivider) { this.mStickyFooterDivider = stickyFooterDivider; return this; } /** * Set this to false if you don't want the shadow on top of the sticky footer * * @param stickyFooterShadow * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyFooterShadow(boolean stickyFooterShadow) { this.mStickyFooterShadow = stickyFooterShadow; return this; } // fire onClick after build protected boolean mFireInitialOnClick = false; /** * Set this to true if you love to get an initial onClick event after the build method is called * * @param fireOnInitialOnClick * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withFireOnInitialOnClick(boolean fireOnInitialOnClick) { this.mFireInitialOnClick = fireOnInitialOnClick; return this; } // if multiSelection is possible protected boolean mMultiSelect = false; /** * set this to true if you want to enable multiSelect mode inside the drawer. Note * you will have to programmatically deselect if you want to remove all selections! * You can disable this at a later time via .getAdapter().withMultiSelect(false) * You can also modify all other settings of the FastAdapter via this method * * @param multiSelect true if multiSelect is enabled (default: false) * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withMultiSelect(boolean multiSelect) { this.mMultiSelect = multiSelect; return this; } // item to select protected int mSelectedItemPosition = 0; /** * Set this to the index of the item, you would love to select upon start * * @param selectedItemPosition * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSelectedItemByPosition(int selectedItemPosition) { this.mSelectedItemPosition = selectedItemPosition; return this; } // item to select protected long mSelectedItemIdentifier = 0; /** * Set this to the identifier of the item, you would love to select upon start * * @param selectedItemIdentifier * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSelectedItem(long selectedItemIdentifier) { this.mSelectedItemIdentifier = selectedItemIdentifier; return this; } // an RecyclerView to use within the drawer :D protected RecyclerView mRecyclerView; /** * Define a custom RecyclerView which will be used in the drawer * NOTE: this is not recommended * * @param recyclerView * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withRecyclerView(@NonNull RecyclerView recyclerView) { this.mRecyclerView = recyclerView; return this; } // if the adapter should enable hasStableIds to improve performance and allow animations protected boolean mHasStableIds = false; /** * define this if you want enable hasStableIds for the adapter which is generated. * WARNING: only use this if you have set an identifer for all of your items else this could cause * many weird things * * @param hasStableIds * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withHasStableIds(boolean hasStableIds) { this.mHasStableIds = hasStableIds; if (mAdapter != null) { mAdapter.setHasStableIds(hasStableIds); } return this; } // an adapter to use for the list protected FastAdapter mAdapter; protected ModelAdapter mHeaderAdapter = new ItemAdapter<>().withIdDistributor(idDistributor); protected ModelAdapter mItemAdapter = new ItemAdapter<>().withIdDistributor(idDistributor); protected ModelAdapter mFooterAdapter = new ItemAdapter<>().withIdDistributor(idDistributor); protected ExpandableExtension mExpandableExtension = new ExpandableExtension<>(); /** * Define a custom Adapter which will be used in the drawer * NOTE: this is not recommender * WARNING: if you do this after adding items you will loose those! * * @param adapter the FastAdapter to use with this drawer * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withAdapter(@NonNull FastAdapter adapter) { this.mAdapter = adapter; //we have to rewrap as a different FastAdapter was provided adapter.addAdapter(0, mHeaderAdapter); adapter.addAdapter(1, mItemAdapter); adapter.addAdapter(2, mFooterAdapter); adapter.addExtension(mExpandableExtension); return this; } /** * get the adapter (null safe) * * @return the FastAdapter used with this drawer */ protected FastAdapter getAdapter() { if (mAdapter == null) { mAdapter = FastAdapter.with(Arrays.asList(mHeaderAdapter, mItemAdapter, mFooterAdapter), Arrays.>asList(mExpandableExtension)); mAdapter.withSelectable(true); mAdapter.withMultiSelect(false); mAdapter.withAllowDeselection(false); mAdapter.setHasStableIds(mHasStableIds); } return mAdapter; } protected IItemAdapter getItemAdapter() { return mItemAdapter; } protected IItemAdapter getHeaderAdapter() { return mHeaderAdapter; } protected IItemAdapter getFooterAdapter() { return mFooterAdapter; } // Defines a Adapter which wraps the main Adapter used in the RecyclerView to allow extended navigation and other stuff protected RecyclerView.Adapter mAdapterWrapper; /** * Defines a Adapter which wraps the main Adapter used in the RecyclerView to allow extended navigation and other stuff * * @param adapterWrapper * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withAdapterWrapper(@NonNull RecyclerView.Adapter adapterWrapper) { if (mAdapter == null) { throw new RuntimeException("this adapter has to be set in conjunction to a normal adapter which is used inside this wrapper adapter"); } this.mAdapterWrapper = adapterWrapper; return this; } //defines the itemAnimator to be used in conjunction with the RecyclerView protected RecyclerView.ItemAnimator mItemAnimator = new DefaultItemAnimator(); /** * defines the itemAnimator to be used in conjunction with the RecyclerView * * @param itemAnimator * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withItemAnimator(RecyclerView.ItemAnimator itemAnimator) { mItemAnimator = itemAnimator; return this; } /** * Set the initial List of IDrawerItems for the Drawer * * @param drawerItems * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withDrawerItems(@NonNull List drawerItems) { this.getItemAdapter().set(drawerItems); return this; } /** * Add a initial DrawerItem or a DrawerItem Array for the Drawer * * @param drawerItems * @return */ public DrawerBuilder addDrawerItems(@NonNull IDrawerItem... drawerItems) { this.getItemAdapter().add(drawerItems); return this; } // defines if we want to keep the sticky items visible, upon switching to the profiles protected boolean mKeepStickyItemsVisible = false; /** * Toggles if the sticky footer should stay visible upon switching to the profile list * **WARNING** using this with stickyDrawerItems can lead to the selection not being updated correctly. Use with care * * @param keepStickyItemsVisible true if the sticky footer should stay visible * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withKeepStickyItemsVisible(boolean keepStickyItemsVisible) { this.mKeepStickyItemsVisible = keepStickyItemsVisible; return this; } // always visible list in drawer protected List mStickyDrawerItems = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Set the initial List of IDrawerItems for the StickyDrawerFooter * * @param stickyDrawerItems * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withStickyDrawerItems(@NonNull List stickyDrawerItems) { this.mStickyDrawerItems = stickyDrawerItems; return this; } /** * Add a initial DrawerItem or a DrawerItem Array for the StickyDrawerFooter * * @param stickyDrawerItems * @return */ public DrawerBuilder addStickyDrawerItems(@NonNull IDrawerItem... stickyDrawerItems) { if (this.mStickyDrawerItems == null) { this.mStickyDrawerItems = new ArrayList<>(); } Collections.addAll(this.mStickyDrawerItems, stickyDrawerItems); return this; } /** * Inflates the DrawerItems from a menu.xml * * @param menuRes * @return */ public DrawerBuilder inflateMenu(@MenuRes int menuRes) { MenuInflater menuInflater = new SupportMenuInflater(mActivity); MenuBuilder mMenu = new MenuBuilder(mActivity); menuInflater.inflate(menuRes, mMenu); addMenuItems(mMenu, false); return this; } /** * helper method to init the drawerItems from a menu * * @param mMenu * @param subMenu */ private void addMenuItems(Menu mMenu, boolean subMenu) { int groupId =; for (int i = 0; i < mMenu.size(); i++) { MenuItem mMenuItem = mMenu.getItem(i); IDrawerItem iDrawerItem; if (!subMenu && mMenuItem.getGroupId() != groupId && mMenuItem.getGroupId() != 0) { groupId = mMenuItem.getGroupId(); iDrawerItem = new DividerDrawerItem(); getItemAdapter().add(iDrawerItem); } if (mMenuItem.hasSubMenu()) { iDrawerItem = new PrimaryDrawerItem() .withName(mMenuItem.getTitle().toString()) .withIcon(mMenuItem.getIcon()) .withIdentifier(mMenuItem.getItemId()) .withEnabled(mMenuItem.isEnabled()) .withSelectable(false); getItemAdapter().add(iDrawerItem); addMenuItems(mMenuItem.getSubMenu(), true); } else if (mMenuItem.getGroupId() != 0 || subMenu) { iDrawerItem = new SecondaryDrawerItem() .withName(mMenuItem.getTitle().toString()) .withIcon(mMenuItem.getIcon()) .withIdentifier(mMenuItem.getItemId()) .withEnabled(mMenuItem.isEnabled()); getItemAdapter().add(iDrawerItem); } else { iDrawerItem = new PrimaryDrawerItem() .withName(mMenuItem.getTitle().toString()) .withIcon(mMenuItem.getIcon()) .withIdentifier(mMenuItem.getItemId()) .withEnabled(mMenuItem.isEnabled()); getItemAdapter().add(iDrawerItem); } } } // close drawer on click protected boolean mCloseOnClick = true; /** * Set this to false if the drawer should stay opened after an item was clicked * * @param closeOnClick * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withCloseOnClick(boolean closeOnClick) { this.mCloseOnClick = closeOnClick; return this; } // delay drawer close to prevent lag protected int mDelayOnDrawerClose = 50; /** * Define the delay for the drawer close operation after a click. * This is a small trick to improve the speed (and remove lag) if you open a new activity after a DrawerItem * was selected. * NOTE: Disable this by passing -1 * * @param delayOnDrawerClose the delay in MS (-1 to disable) * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withDelayOnDrawerClose(int delayOnDrawerClose) { this.mDelayOnDrawerClose = delayOnDrawerClose; return this; } // delay drawer click event to prevent lag (you should either choose DelayOnDrawerClose or this) protected int mDelayDrawerClickEvent = 0; /** * Define the delay for the drawer click event after a click. * This can be used to improve performance and prevent lag, especially when you switch fragments inside the listener. * This will ignore the boolean value you can return in the listener, as the listener is called after the drawer was closed. * NOTE: Disable this to pass -1 * * @param delayDrawerClickEvent -1 to disable * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withDelayDrawerClickEvent(int delayDrawerClickEvent) { this.mDelayDrawerClickEvent = delayDrawerClickEvent; return this; } // onDrawerListener protected Drawer.OnDrawerListener mOnDrawerListener; /** * Define a OnDrawerListener for this Drawer * * @param onDrawerListener * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withOnDrawerListener(@NonNull Drawer.OnDrawerListener onDrawerListener) { this.mOnDrawerListener = onDrawerListener; return this; } // onDrawerItemClickListeners protected Drawer.OnDrawerItemClickListener mOnDrawerItemClickListener; /** * Define a OnDrawerItemClickListener for this Drawer * * @param onDrawerItemClickListener * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withOnDrawerItemClickListener(@NonNull Drawer.OnDrawerItemClickListener onDrawerItemClickListener) { this.mOnDrawerItemClickListener = onDrawerItemClickListener; return this; } // onDrawerItemClickListeners protected Drawer.OnDrawerItemLongClickListener mOnDrawerItemLongClickListener; /** * Define a OnDrawerItemLongClickListener for this Drawer * * @param onDrawerItemLongClickListener * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withOnDrawerItemLongClickListener(@NonNull Drawer.OnDrawerItemLongClickListener onDrawerItemLongClickListener) { this.mOnDrawerItemLongClickListener = onDrawerItemLongClickListener; return this; } // onDrawerListener protected Drawer.OnDrawerNavigationListener mOnDrawerNavigationListener; /** * Define a OnDrawerNavigationListener for this Drawer * * @param onDrawerNavigationListener * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withOnDrawerNavigationListener(@NonNull Drawer.OnDrawerNavigationListener onDrawerNavigationListener) { this.mOnDrawerNavigationListener = onDrawerNavigationListener; return this; } //show the drawer on the first launch to show the user its there protected boolean mShowDrawerOnFirstLaunch = false; /** * define if the DrawerBuilder is shown on the first launch * * @param showDrawerOnFirstLaunch * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withShowDrawerOnFirstLaunch(boolean showDrawerOnFirstLaunch) { this.mShowDrawerOnFirstLaunch = showDrawerOnFirstLaunch; return this; } //show the drawer on launch to show the user its there, keep doing it until the user has dragged it open once protected boolean mShowDrawerUntilDraggedOpened = false; /** * define if the DrawerBuilder is shown until the user has dragged it open once * * @param showDrawerUntilDraggedOpened * @return DrawerBuilder */ public DrawerBuilder withShowDrawerUntilDraggedOpened(boolean showDrawerUntilDraggedOpened) { mShowDrawerUntilDraggedOpened = showDrawerUntilDraggedOpened; return this; } //also generate the MiniDrawer for this Drawer protected boolean mGenerateMiniDrawer = false; protected MiniDrawer mMiniDrawer = null; /** * define if the DrawerBuilder should also generate a MiniDrawer for th * * @param generateMiniDrawer * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withGenerateMiniDrawer(boolean generateMiniDrawer) { this.mGenerateMiniDrawer = generateMiniDrawer; return this; } // savedInstance to restore state protected Bundle mSavedInstance; /** * Set the Bundle (savedInstance) which is passed by the activity. * No need to null-check everything is handled automatically * * @param savedInstance * @return */ public DrawerBuilder withSavedInstance(Bundle savedInstance) { this.mSavedInstance = savedInstance; return this; } // shared preferences to use for integrated functions protected SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences; /** * Set the {@link SharedPreferences} to use for the `showDrawerOnFirstLaunch` or the `ShowDrawerUntilDraggedOpened` * * @param sharedPreferences SharedPreference to use * @return this */ public DrawerBuilder withSharedPreferences(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) { this.mSharedPreferences = sharedPreferences; return this; } /** * helper method to handle when the drawer should be shown on launch */ private void handleShowOnLaunch() { //check if it should be shown on launch (and we have a drawerLayout) if (mActivity != null && mDrawerLayout != null) { if (mShowDrawerOnFirstLaunch || mShowDrawerUntilDraggedOpened) { final SharedPreferences preferences = mSharedPreferences != null ? mSharedPreferences : PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mActivity); if (mShowDrawerOnFirstLaunch && !preferences.getBoolean(Drawer.PREF_USER_LEARNED_DRAWER, false)) { //if it was not shown yet //open the drawer mDrawerLayout.openDrawer(mSliderLayout); //save that it showed up once ;) SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Drawer.PREF_USER_LEARNED_DRAWER, true); editor.apply(); } else if (mShowDrawerUntilDraggedOpened && !preferences.getBoolean(Drawer.PREF_USER_OPENED_DRAWER_BY_DRAGGING, false)) { // open the drawer since the user has not dragged it open yet mDrawerLayout.openDrawer(mSliderLayout); // add a listener to detect dragging mDrawerLayout.addDrawerListener(new DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener() { boolean hasBeenDragged = false; @Override public void onDrawerStateChanged(int newState) { if (newState == DrawerLayout.STATE_DRAGGING) { // save that the user was dragging hasBeenDragged = true; } else if (newState == DrawerLayout.STATE_IDLE) { // check if the user was dragging and if that resulted in an open drawer if (hasBeenDragged && mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(mDrawerGravity)) { // Save that the user has dragged it open SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Drawer.PREF_USER_OPENED_DRAWER_BY_DRAGGING, true); editor.apply(); } else { // reset the drag boolean hasBeenDragged = false; } } } }); } } } } /** * Build and add the DrawerBuilder to your activity * * @return */ public Drawer build() { if (mUsed) { throw new RuntimeException("you must not reuse a DrawerBuilder builder"); } if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity"); } //set that this builder was used. now you have to create a new one mUsed = true; // if the user has not set a drawerLayout use the default one :D if (mDrawerLayout == null) { withDrawerLayout(-1); } //some new Materialize magic ;) mMaterialize = new MaterializeBuilder() .withActivity(mActivity) .withRootView(mRootView) .withFullscreen(mFullscreen) .withSystemUIHidden(mSystemUIHidden) .withUseScrimInsetsLayout(false) .withTransparentStatusBar(mTranslucentStatusBar) .withTranslucentNavigationBarProgrammatically(mTranslucentNavigationBarProgrammatically) .withContainer(mDrawerLayout) .build(); //handle the navigation stuff of the ActionBarDrawerToggle and the drawer in general handleDrawerNavigation(mActivity, false); //build the view which will be set to the drawer Drawer result = buildView(); //define id for the sliderLayout mSliderLayout.setId(; // add the slider to the drawer mDrawerLayout.addView(mSliderLayout, 1); return result; } /** * Build and add the DrawerBuilder to your activity * * @return */ public Drawer buildForFragment() { if (mUsed) { throw new RuntimeException("you must not reuse a DrawerBuilder builder"); } if (mActivity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass an activity"); } if (mRootView == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please pass the view which should host the DrawerLayout"); } //set that this builder was used. now you have to create a new one mUsed = true; // if the user has not set a drawerLayout use the default one :D if (mDrawerLayout == null) { withDrawerLayout(-1); } //set the drawer here... View originalContentView = mRootView.getChildAt(0); boolean alreadyInflated = originalContentView.getId() ==; //only add the new layout if it wasn't done before if (!alreadyInflated) { // remove the contentView mRootView.removeView(originalContentView); } else { //if it was already inflated we have to clean up again mRootView.removeAllViews(); } //create the layoutParams to use for the contentView FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParamsContentView = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ); //add the drawer mRootView.addView(mDrawerLayout, layoutParamsContentView); //set the id so we can check if it was already inflated mDrawerLayout.setId(; //handle the navigation stuff of the ActionBarDrawerToggle and the drawer in general handleDrawerNavigation(mActivity, false); //build the view which will be set to the drawer Drawer result = buildView(); // add the slider to the drawer mDrawerLayout.addView(originalContentView, 0); //define id for the sliderLayout mSliderLayout.setId(; // add the slider to the drawer mDrawerLayout.addView(mSliderLayout, 1); return result; } /** * handles the different logics for the Drawer Navigation Listeners / Indications (ActionBarDrawertoggle) */ protected void handleDrawerNavigation(Activity activity, boolean recreateActionBarDrawerToggle) { //set the navigationOnClickListener final View.OnClickListener toolbarNavigationListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { boolean handled = false; if (mOnDrawerNavigationListener != null && (mActionBarDrawerToggle != null && !mActionBarDrawerToggle.isDrawerIndicatorEnabled())) { handled = mOnDrawerNavigationListener.onNavigationClickListener(v); } if (!handled) { if (mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(mDrawerGravity)) { mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(mDrawerGravity); } else { mDrawerLayout.openDrawer(mDrawerGravity); } } } }; if (recreateActionBarDrawerToggle) { mActionBarDrawerToggle = null; } // create the ActionBarDrawerToggle if not set and enabled and if we have a toolbar if (mActionBarDrawerToggleEnabled && mActionBarDrawerToggle == null && mToolbar != null) { this.mActionBarDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(activity, mDrawerLayout, mToolbar, R.string.material_drawer_open, R.string.material_drawer_close) { @Override public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView) { if (mOnDrawerListener != null) { mOnDrawerListener.onDrawerOpened(drawerView); } super.onDrawerOpened(drawerView); } @Override public void onDrawerClosed(View drawerView) { if (mOnDrawerListener != null) { mOnDrawerListener.onDrawerClosed(drawerView); } super.onDrawerClosed(drawerView); } @Override public void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset) { if (mOnDrawerListener != null) { mOnDrawerListener.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, slideOffset); } if (!mAnimateActionBarDrawerToggle) { super.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, 0); } else { super.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, slideOffset); } } }; this.mActionBarDrawerToggle.syncState(); } //if we got a toolbar set a toolbarNavigationListener //we also have to do this after setting the ActionBarDrawerToggle as this will overwrite this if (mToolbar != null) { this.mToolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(toolbarNavigationListener); } //handle the ActionBarDrawerToggle if (mActionBarDrawerToggle != null) { mActionBarDrawerToggle.setToolbarNavigationClickListener(toolbarNavigationListener); mDrawerLayout.addDrawerListener(mActionBarDrawerToggle); } else { mDrawerLayout.addDrawerListener(new DrawerLayout.DrawerListener() { @Override public void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset) { if (mOnDrawerListener != null) { mOnDrawerListener.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, slideOffset); } } @Override public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView) { if (mOnDrawerListener != null) { mOnDrawerListener.onDrawerOpened(drawerView); } } @Override public void onDrawerClosed(View drawerView) { if (mOnDrawerListener != null) { mOnDrawerListener.onDrawerClosed(drawerView); } } @Override public void onDrawerStateChanged(int newState) { } }); } } /** * build the drawers content only. This will still return a Result object, but only with the content set. No inflating of a DrawerLayout. * * @return Result object with only the content set */ public Drawer buildView() { // get the slider view mSliderLayout = (ScrimInsetsRelativeLayout) mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.material_drawer_slider, mDrawerLayout, false); mSliderLayout.setBackgroundColor(UIUtils.getThemeColorFromAttrOrRes(mActivity, R.attr.material_drawer_background, R.color.material_drawer_background)); // get the layout params DrawerLayout.LayoutParams params = (DrawerLayout.LayoutParams) mSliderLayout.getLayoutParams(); if (params != null) { // if we've set a custom gravity set it params.gravity = mDrawerGravity; // if this is a drawer from the right, change the margins :D params = DrawerUtils.processDrawerLayoutParams(this, params); // set the new layout params mSliderLayout.setLayoutParams(params); } //create the content createContent(); //create the result object Drawer result = new Drawer(this); //set the drawer for the accountHeader if set if (mAccountHeader != null) { mAccountHeader.setDrawer(result); } //toggle selection list if we were previously on the account list if (mSavedInstance != null && mSavedInstance.getBoolean(Drawer.BUNDLE_DRAWER_CONTENT_SWITCHED, false)) { mAccountHeader.toggleSelectionList(mActivity); } //handle if the drawer should be shown on launch handleShowOnLaunch(); //we only want to hook a Drawer to the MiniDrawer if it is the main drawer, not the appended one if (!mAppended && mGenerateMiniDrawer) { // if we should create a MiniDrawer we have to do this now mMiniDrawer = new MiniDrawer().withDrawer(result).withAccountHeader(mAccountHeader); } //forget the reference to the activity mActivity = null; return result; } /** * Call this method to append a new DrawerBuilder to a existing Drawer. * * @param result the Drawer.Result of an existing Drawer * @return */ public Drawer append(@NonNull Drawer result) { if (mUsed) { throw new RuntimeException("you must not reuse a DrawerBuilder builder"); } if (mDrawerGravity == null) { throw new RuntimeException("please set the gravity for the drawer"); } //set that this builder was used. now you have to create a new one mUsed = true; mAppended = true; //get the drawer layout from the previous drawer mDrawerLayout = result.getDrawerLayout(); // get the slider view mSliderLayout = (ScrimInsetsRelativeLayout) mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.material_drawer_slider, mDrawerLayout, false); mSliderLayout.setBackgroundColor(UIUtils.getThemeColorFromAttrOrRes(mActivity, R.attr.material_drawer_background, R.color.material_drawer_background)); // get the layout params DrawerLayout.LayoutParams params = (DrawerLayout.LayoutParams) mSliderLayout.getLayoutParams(); // set the gravity of this drawerGravity params.gravity = mDrawerGravity; // if this is a drawer from the right, change the margins :D params = DrawerUtils.processDrawerLayoutParams(this, params); // set the new params mSliderLayout.setLayoutParams(params); //define id for the sliderLayout mSliderLayout.setId(; // add the slider to the drawer mDrawerLayout.addView(mSliderLayout, 1); //create the content createContent(); //create the result object Drawer appendedResult = new Drawer(this); //toggle selection list if we were previously on the account list if (mSavedInstance != null && mSavedInstance.getBoolean(Drawer.BUNDLE_DRAWER_CONTENT_SWITCHED_APPENDED, false)) { mAccountHeader.toggleSelectionList(mActivity); } //forget the reference to the activity mActivity = null; return appendedResult; } /** * the helper method to create the content for the drawer */ private void createContent() { //if we have a customView use this if (mCustomView != null) { LinearLayout.LayoutParams contentParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ); contentParams.weight = 1f; mSliderLayout.addView(mCustomView, contentParams); return; } //set the shadow for the drawer if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 && mDrawerLayout != null) { if (ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(mRootView) == ViewCompat.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR) { mDrawerLayout.setDrawerShadow(mDrawerGravity == GravityCompat.START ? R.drawable.material_drawer_shadow_right : R.drawable.material_drawer_shadow_left, mDrawerGravity); } else { mDrawerLayout.setDrawerShadow(mDrawerGravity == GravityCompat.START ? R.drawable.material_drawer_shadow_left : R.drawable.material_drawer_shadow_right, mDrawerGravity); } } // if we have an adapter (either by defining a custom one or the included one add a list :D View contentView; if (mRecyclerView == null) { contentView = LayoutInflater.from(mActivity).inflate(R.layout.material_drawer_recycler_view, mSliderLayout, false); mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) contentView.findViewById(; //set the itemAnimator mRecyclerView.setItemAnimator(mItemAnimator); //some style improvements on older devices mRecyclerView.setFadingEdgeLength(0); //set the drawing cache background to the same color as the slider to improve performance //mRecyclerView.setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(UIUtils.getThemeColorFromAttrOrRes(mActivity, R.attr.material_drawer_background, R.color.material_drawer_background)); mRecyclerView.setClipToPadding(false); //additional stuff mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(mLayoutManager); int paddingTop = 0; if ((mDisplayBelowStatusBar == null || mDisplayBelowStatusBar) && !mSystemUIHidden) { paddingTop = UIUtils.getStatusBarHeight(mActivity); } int paddingBottom = 0; int orientation = mActivity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation; if (((mTranslucentNavigationBar || mFullscreen) && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) && !mSystemUIHidden && (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT || (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && DrawerUIUtils.isSystemBarOnBottom(mActivity)))) { paddingBottom = UIUtils.getNavigationBarHeight(mActivity); } mRecyclerView.setPadding(0, paddingTop, 0, paddingBottom); } else { contentView = mRecyclerView; } LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ); params.weight = 1f; mSliderLayout.addView(contentView, params); if (mInnerShadow) { View innerShadow = mSliderLayout.findViewById(; innerShadow.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); innerShadow.bringToFront(); if (mDrawerGravity == GravityCompat.START) { innerShadow.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.material_drawer_shadow_left); } else { innerShadow.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.material_drawer_shadow_right); } } // set the background if (mSliderBackgroundColor != 0) { mSliderLayout.setBackgroundColor(mSliderBackgroundColor); } else if (mSliderBackgroundColorRes != -1) { mSliderLayout.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(mActivity, mSliderBackgroundColorRes)); } else if (mSliderBackgroundDrawable != null) { UIUtils.setBackground(mSliderLayout, mSliderBackgroundDrawable); } else if (mSliderBackgroundDrawableRes != -1) { UIUtils.setBackground(mSliderLayout, mSliderBackgroundDrawableRes); } //handle the header DrawerUtils.handleHeaderView(this); //handle the footer DrawerUtils.handleFooterView(this, new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { IDrawerItem drawerItem = (IDrawerItem) v.getTag(; DrawerUtils.onFooterDrawerItemClick(DrawerBuilder.this, drawerItem, v, true); } }); //if MultiSelect is possible mAdapter.withMultiSelect(mMultiSelect); if (mMultiSelect) { mAdapter.withSelectOnLongClick(false); mAdapter.withAllowDeselection(true); } //set the adapter on the listView if (mAdapterWrapper == null) { mRecyclerView.setAdapter(mAdapter); } else { mRecyclerView.setAdapter(mAdapterWrapper); } //predefine selection (should be the first element if (mSelectedItemPosition == 0 && mSelectedItemIdentifier != 0L) { mSelectedItemPosition = DrawerUtils.getPositionByIdentifier(this, mSelectedItemIdentifier); } if (mHeaderView != null && mSelectedItemPosition == 0) { mSelectedItemPosition = 1; } mAdapter.deselect();; // add the onDrawerItemClickListener if set mAdapter.withOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public boolean onClick(final View view, IAdapter adapter, final IDrawerItem item, final int position) { if (!(item != null && item instanceof Selectable && !item.isSelectable())) { resetStickyFooterSelection(); mCurrentStickyFooterSelection = -1; } //call the listener boolean consumed = false; //call the item specific listener if (item instanceof AbstractDrawerItem && ((AbstractDrawerItem) item).getOnDrawerItemClickListener() != null) { consumed = ((AbstractDrawerItem) item).getOnDrawerItemClickListener().onItemClick(view, position, item); } //call the drawer listener if (mOnDrawerItemClickListener != null) { if (mDelayDrawerClickEvent > 0) { new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mOnDrawerItemClickListener.onItemClick(view, position, item); } }, mDelayDrawerClickEvent); } else { consumed = mOnDrawerItemClickListener.onItemClick(view, position, item); } } //we have to notify the miniDrawer if existing, and if the event was not consumed yet if (!consumed && mMiniDrawer != null) { consumed = mMiniDrawer.onItemClick(item); } //if we were a expandable item we consume the event closing makes no sense if (item instanceof IExpandable && ((IExpandable) item).getSubItems() != null) { //we consume the event and want no further handling return true; } if (!consumed) { //close the drawer after click closeDrawerDelayed(); } return consumed; } }); // add the onDrawerItemLongClickListener if set mAdapter.withOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onLongClick(View view, IAdapter adapter, final IDrawerItem item, final int position) { if (mOnDrawerItemLongClickListener != null) { return mOnDrawerItemLongClickListener.onItemLongClick(view, position, getDrawerItem(position)); } return false; } }); if (mRecyclerView != null) { mRecyclerView.scrollToPosition(0); } // try to restore all saved values again if (mSavedInstance != null) { if (!mAppended) { mAdapter.deselect(); mAdapter.withSavedInstanceState(mSavedInstance, Drawer.BUNDLE_SELECTION); DrawerUtils.setStickyFooterSelection(this, mSavedInstance.getInt(Drawer.BUNDLE_STICKY_FOOTER_SELECTION, -1), null); } else { mAdapter.deselect(); mAdapter.withSavedInstanceState(mSavedInstance, Drawer.BUNDLE_SELECTION_APPENDED); DrawerUtils.setStickyFooterSelection(this, mSavedInstance.getInt(Drawer.BUNDLE_STICKY_FOOTER_SELECTION_APPENDED, -1), null); } } // call initial onClick event to allow the dev to init the first view if (mFireInitialOnClick && mOnDrawerItemClickListener != null) { int selection = mAdapter.getSelections().size() == 0 ? -1 : mAdapter.getSelections().iterator().next(); mOnDrawerItemClickListener.onItemClick(null, selection, getDrawerItem(selection)); } } /** * helper method to close the drawer delayed */ protected void closeDrawerDelayed() { if (mCloseOnClick && mDrawerLayout != null) { if (mDelayOnDrawerClose > -1) { new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mDrawerLayout.closeDrawers(); if (mScrollToTopAfterClick) { mRecyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(0); } } }, mDelayOnDrawerClose); } else { mDrawerLayout.closeDrawers(); } } } /** * get the drawerItem at a specific position * * @param position * @return */ protected IDrawerItem getDrawerItem(int position) { return (IDrawerItem) getAdapter().getItem(position); } /** * check if the item is within the bounds of the list * * @param position * @param includeOffset * @return */ protected boolean checkDrawerItem(int position, boolean includeOffset) { return getAdapter().getItem(position) != null; } /** * simple helper method to reset the selection of the sticky footer */ protected void resetStickyFooterSelection() { if (mStickyFooterView instanceof LinearLayout) { for (int i = 0; i < (mStickyFooterView).getChildCount(); i++) { (mStickyFooterView).getChildAt(i).setActivated(false); (mStickyFooterView).getChildAt(i).setSelected(false); } } } }