package pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik import import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider import android.content.ComponentName import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import import import import import import android.os.Build import android.util.SparseArray import android.view.View import android.widget.RemoteViews import com.mikepenz.iconics.IconicsDrawable import import com.mikepenz.iconics.utils.colorInt import com.mikepenz.iconics.utils.sizeDp import import import import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.models.Date import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.models.ItemWidgetTimetableModel import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.models.Time import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.models.Week import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.widgets.WidgetConfig import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.widgets.timetable.LessonDialogActivity import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.widgets.timetable.WidgetTimetableService import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException class WidgetTimetable : AppWidgetProvider() { override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) { if (ACTION_SYNC_DATA == intent.action) { EdziennikTask.sync().enqueue(context) } super.onReceive(context, intent) } override fun onUpdate(context: Context, appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager, appWidgetIds: IntArray) { val thisWidget = ComponentName(context, timetables = SparseArray() //timetables.clear(); val app = context.applicationContext as App var bellSyncDiffMillis: Long = 0 if (app.appConfig.bellSyncDiff != null) { bellSyncDiffMillis = (app.appConfig.bellSyncDiff.hour * 60 * 60 * 1000 + app.appConfig.bellSyncDiff.minute * 60 * 1000 + app.appConfig.bellSyncDiff.second * 1000).toLong() bellSyncDiffMillis *= app.appConfig.bellSyncMultiplier.toLong() bellSyncDiffMillis *= -1 } val allWidgetIds = appWidgetManager.getAppWidgetIds(thisWidget) allWidgetIds?.forEach { appWidgetId -> var widgetConfig = app.appConfig.widgetTimetableConfigs[appWidgetId] if (widgetConfig == null) { widgetConfig = WidgetConfig(app.profileFirstId()) app.appConfig.widgetTimetableConfigs[appWidgetId] = widgetConfig app.appConfig.savePending = true } val views = if (widgetConfig.bigStyle) { RemoteViews(context.packageName, if (widgetConfig.darkTheme) R.layout.widget_timetable_dark_big else R.layout.widget_timetable_big) } else { RemoteViews(context.packageName, if (widgetConfig.darkTheme) R.layout.widget_timetable_dark else R.layout.widget_timetable) } val refreshIntent = Intent(app, refreshIntent.action = AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE refreshIntent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS, appWidgetIds) val pendingRefreshIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, refreshIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT) views.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingRefreshIntent) views.setOnClickPendingIntent(, getPendingSelfIntent(context, ACTION_SYNC_DATA)) views.setImageViewBitmap(, IconicsDrawable(context, CommunityMaterial.Icon2.cmd_refresh) .colorInt(Color.WHITE) .sizeDp(if (widgetConfig.bigStyle) 24 else 16).toBitmap()) views.setImageViewBitmap(, IconicsDrawable(context, CommunityMaterial.Icon.cmd_download_outline) .colorInt(Color.WHITE) .sizeDp(if (widgetConfig.bigStyle) 24 else 16).toBitmap()) prepareAppWidget(app, appWidgetId, views, widgetConfig, bellSyncDiffMillis) appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, views) appWidgetManager.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(appWidgetId, } } private fun prepareAppWidget( app: App, appWidgetId: Int, views: RemoteViews, widgetConfig: WidgetConfig, bellSyncDiffMillis: Long ) { // get the current bell-synced time val now = Time.fromMillis(Time.getNow().inMillis + bellSyncDiffMillis) // set the widget transparency val mode = PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { // this code seems to crash the launcher on >= P val transparency = widgetConfig.opacity //0...1 val colorFilter = 0x01000000L * (255f * transparency).toLong() try { val declaredMethods = Class.forName("android.widget.RemoteViews").declaredMethods val len = declaredMethods.size if (len > 0) { for (m in 0 until len) { val method = declaredMethods[m] if ( == "setDrawableParameters") { method.isAccessible = true method.invoke(views,, true, -1, colorFilter.toInt(), mode, -1) method.invoke(views,, true, -1, colorFilter.toInt(), mode, -1) break } } } } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: InvocationTargetException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: IllegalAccessException) { e.printStackTrace() } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) { e.printStackTrace() } } val unified = widgetConfig.profileId == -1 // get all profiles or one profile with the specified id val profileList = if (unified) app.db.profileDao().allNow.filterOutArchived() else listOfNotNull(app.db.profileDao().getByIdNow(widgetConfig.profileId)) // no profile was found if (profileList.isEmpty()) { views.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE) views.setTextViewText(, app.getString(R.string.widget_timetable_profile_doesnt_exist)) return } views.setViewVisibility(, View.GONE) // set lesson search bounds val today = Date.getToday() val searchEnd = today.clone().stepForward(0, 0, 7) var scrollPos = 0 var profileId: Int? = null var displayingDate: Date? = null val models = mutableListOf() // get all lessons within the search bounds val lessonList = app.db.timetableDao().getBetweenDatesNow(today, searchEnd) for (profile in profileList) { // add a profile separator with its name if (unified) { val separator = ItemWidgetTimetableModel() separator.profileId = separator.bigStyle = widgetConfig.bigStyle separator.darkTheme = widgetConfig.darkTheme separator.separatorProfileName = models.add(separator) } // search for lessons to display val timetableDate = Date.getToday() var checkedDays = 0 var lessons = lessonList.filter { it.profileId == && it.displayDate == timetableDate && it.type != Lesson.TYPE_NO_LESSONS } while ((lessons.isEmpty() || lessons.none { it.displayDate != today || (it.displayDate == today && it.displayEndTime != null && it.displayEndTime!! >= now) }) && checkedDays < 7) { timetableDate.stepForward(0, 0, 1) lessons = lessonList.filter { it.profileId == && it.displayDate == timetableDate && it.type != Lesson.TYPE_NO_LESSONS } checkedDays++ } // set the displayingDate to show in the header if (!unified) { if (lessons.isNotEmpty()) displayingDate = timetableDate profileId = } // get all events for the current date val events = app.db.eventDao().getAllByDateNow(, timetableDate)?.filterNotNull() ?: emptyList() lessons.forEachIndexed { pos, lesson -> val model = ItemWidgetTimetableModel() model.bigStyle = widgetConfig.bigStyle model.darkTheme = widgetConfig.darkTheme model.profileId = model.lessonId = model.lessonDate = timetableDate model.startTime = lesson.displayStartTime model.endTime = lesson.displayEndTime // check if the lesson has already passed or it's currently in progress if (lesson.displayDate == today) { lesson.displayEndTime?.let { endTime -> model.lessonPassed = now > endTime lesson.displayStartTime?.let { startTime -> model.lessonCurrent = now in startTime..endTime } } } // set where should the list view scroll to if (model.lessonCurrent) { scrollPos = pos } else if (model.lessonPassed) { scrollPos = pos + 1 } // set the subject and classroom name model.subjectName = lesson.displaySubjectName model.classroomName = lesson.displayClassroom // set the bell sync to calculate progress in ListProvider model.bellSyncDiffMillis = bellSyncDiffMillis // make the model aware of the lesson type when (lesson.type) { Lesson.TYPE_CANCELLED -> { model.lessonCancelled = true } Lesson.TYPE_CHANGE, Lesson.TYPE_SHIFTED_SOURCE, Lesson.TYPE_SHIFTED_TARGET -> { model.lessonChange = true } } // add every event on this lesson for (event in events) { if (event.startTime != null && event.startTime != lesson.displayStartTime) continue model.eventColors.add(if (event.type == TYPE_HOMEWORK) ItemWidgetTimetableModel.EVENT_COLOR_HOMEWORK else event.getColor()) } models += model } } if (unified) { // set the title for an unified widget views.setTextViewText(, app.getString(R.string.widget_timetable_title_unified)) views.setViewVisibility(, View.GONE) } else { // set the title to present the widget's profile views.setTextViewText(, profileList[0].name) views.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE) // make the subtitle show current date for these lessons displayingDate?.let { when (Date.diffDays(it, Date.getToday())) { 0 -> views.setTextViewText(, app.getString(R.string.day_today_format, Week.getFullDayName(it.weekDay))) 1 -> views.setTextViewText(, app.getString(R.string.day_tomorrow_format, Week.getFullDayName(it.weekDay))) else -> views.setTextViewText(, Week.getFullDayName(it.weekDay) + " " + it.formattedString) } } } // intent running when the header is clicked val openIntent = Intent(app, openIntent.action = "android.intent.action.MAIN" if (!unified) { // per-profile widget should redirect to it + correct day profileId?.let { openIntent.putExtra("profileId", it) } displayingDate?.let { openIntent.putExtra("timetableDate", it.value) } } openIntent.putExtra("fragmentId", MainActivity.DRAWER_ITEM_TIMETABLE) val pendingOpenIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(app, appWidgetId, openIntent, 0) views.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingOpenIntent) if (lessonList.isEmpty()) { views.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE) views.setRemoteAdapter(, Intent()) views.setTextViewText(, app.getString(R.string.widget_timetable_no_lessons)) return } timetables!!.put(appWidgetId, models) // apply the list service to the list view val listIntent = Intent(app, listIntent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId) = Uri.parse(listIntent.toUri(Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME)) views.setRemoteAdapter(, listIntent) // create an intent used to display the lesson details dialog val intentTemplate = Intent(app, intentTemplate.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK) val pendingIntentTimetable = PendingIntent.getActivity(app, appWidgetId, intentTemplate, 0) views.setPendingIntentTemplate(, pendingIntentTimetable) if (!unified) views.setScrollPosition(, scrollPos) } override fun onEnabled(context: Context) { // Enter relevant functionality for when the first widget is created } override fun onDeleted(context: Context, appWidgetIds: IntArray) { val app = context.applicationContext as App for (appWidgetId in appWidgetIds) { app.appConfig.widgetTimetableConfigs.remove(appWidgetId) } app.saveConfig("widgetTimetableConfigs") } companion object { val ACTION_SYNC_DATA = "ACTION_SYNC_DATA" private val TAG = "WidgetTimetable" private val modeInt = 0 var timetables: SparseArray>? = null fun getPendingSelfIntent(context: Context, action: String): PendingIntent { val intent = Intent(context, intent.action = action return getPendingSelfIntent(context, intent) } fun getPendingSelfIntent(context: Context, intent: Intent): PendingIntent { return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, 0) } fun drawableToBitmap(drawable: Drawable): Bitmap { if (drawable is BitmapDrawable) { return drawable.bitmap } val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.intrinsicWidth, drawable.intrinsicHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) val canvas = Canvas(bitmap) drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) drawable.draw(canvas) return bitmap } } }