## Dynamic Content Delivery A static website that returns appropriate content to the website user based on the provided ID. ## Which files am I allowed to edit? - template section of [index.html](index.html) - all files in `data` directory: - [constants.js](data/constants.js) - [custom-style.css](data/custom-style.css) ## How to use Firstly, create template for your webpage. Go to [index.html](index.html) and edit code **only between these lines**: ```html ``` This is the **template section** of the HTML file. Example: ```html


``` Then, prepare your API: 1. Clone [this](https://git.sador.me/sadorowo/dynamic-content-delivery-api) repository. 2. Edit **[data/data-source.json](data/data-source.json)** file: - provide your data in `DATA` constant like this: ```javascript const DATA = { "id1": { "#name": { "textContent": "John", "style": { "color": "red" } } }, "id2": { "#name": { "textContent": "Anna", "style": { "color": "blue" } } }, ... } ``` - edit your **[data/config.json](data/config.json)**: 1. provide your API host in `API_HOST` constant. 2. provide your API port in `PORT` constant. > [!WARNING] > Do not change the structure of the `DATA` object. It must be an object with keys being IDs and values, which are objects with CSS selectors as keys and objects with DOM properties as values. > Make sure that your API is running on the same port as the one provided in `PORT` constant. 3. Deploy your API: 1. Install Node.js and npm. 2. Run `npm install` in the root directory of the API. 3. Run `npm start` in the root directory of the API. ## Custom styles This website supports custom CSS. Just edit [this](data/custom-style.css) file. If provided style doesn't work, try adding `!important` to the end of CSS rule. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. ## Authors - [**@sadorowo**](https://git.sador.me/sadorowo) - original author