const startPage = document.getElementById('internal__start-page'); const templatePage = document.getElementById('internal__template'); const wait = (time) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time * 1000)); // Check if API is alive fetchStatus() .catch(() => alert('API is down or an error occurred.')); if (!startPage || !templatePage) { alert("Base website template got corrupted! Can't find either start page or template page. Closing the window."); window.close(); } else { async function proceed() { const input = document.querySelector('#internal__start-page > input'); const patches = await fetchResource(input.value); if (!patches) return alert('Bad access code!'); applyPatches(patches); await fadeBlock(); } function applyPatches(patches) { for (const [key, object] of Object.entries(patches)) { const element = document.querySelector(key); if (!element) { alert(`Bad data source template! No HTML element found for selector '${key}'.`); continue; } parsePatch(element, object); } } function parsePatch(element, object) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) { if (typeof value === 'object') parsePatch(element[key], value); else element[key] = value; } } async function fadeBlock() { = 0; await wait(0.2); = 'none'; await wait(0.2); = 'block'; = 1; } internal__submit.addEventListener('click', async () => await proceed()) }