package pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik import android.Manifest import import android.content.Context import import android.content.res.Resources import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.text.* import import import import android.util.LongSparseArray import android.util.SparseArray import android.util.TypedValue import android.view.View import android.widget.CompoundButton import android.widget.TextView import androidx.annotation.* import import androidx.core.util.forEach import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.Observer import import import import im.wangchao.mhttp.Response import import import import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.R import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.getColorFromRes import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* import fun List.byId(id: Long) = firstOrNull { == id } fun List.byNameFirstLast(nameFirstLast: String) = firstOrNull { + " " + it.surname == nameFirstLast } fun List.byNameLastFirst(nameLastFirst: String) = firstOrNull { it.surname + " " + == nameLastFirst } fun List.byNameFDotLast(nameFDotLast: String) = firstOrNull { + "." + it.surname == nameFDotLast } fun List.byNameFDotSpaceLast(nameFDotSpaceLast: String) = firstOrNull { + ". " + it.surname == nameFDotSpaceLast } fun JsonObject?.get(key: String): JsonElement? = this?.get(key) fun JsonObject?.getBoolean(key: String): Boolean? = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) null else it.asBoolean } fun JsonObject?.getString(key: String): String? = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) null else it.asString } fun JsonObject?.getInt(key: String): Int? = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) null else it.asInt } fun JsonObject?.getLong(key: String): Long? = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) null else it.asLong } fun JsonObject?.getFloat(key: String): Float? = get(key)?.let { if(it.isJsonNull) null else it.asFloat } fun JsonObject?.getJsonObject(key: String): JsonObject? = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) null else it.asJsonObject } fun JsonObject?.getJsonArray(key: String): JsonArray? = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) null else it.asJsonArray } fun JsonObject?.getBoolean(key: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) defaultValue else it.asBoolean } ?: defaultValue fun JsonObject?.getString(key: String, defaultValue: String): String = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) defaultValue else it.asString } ?: defaultValue fun JsonObject?.getInt(key: String, defaultValue: Int): Int = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) defaultValue else it.asInt } ?: defaultValue fun JsonObject?.getLong(key: String, defaultValue: Long): Long = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) defaultValue else it.asLong } ?: defaultValue fun JsonObject?.getFloat(key: String, defaultValue: Float): Float = get(key)?.let { if(it.isJsonNull) defaultValue else it.asFloat } ?: defaultValue fun JsonObject?.getJsonObject(key: String, defaultValue: JsonObject): JsonObject = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) defaultValue else it.asJsonObject } ?: defaultValue fun JsonObject?.getJsonArray(key: String, defaultValue: JsonArray): JsonArray = get(key)?.let { if (it.isJsonNull) defaultValue else it.asJsonArray } ?: defaultValue fun JsonArray?.asJsonObjectList() = this?.map { it.asJsonObject } fun CharSequence?.isNotNullNorEmpty(): Boolean { return this != null && this.isNotEmpty() } fun currentTimeUnix() = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 fun Bundle?.getInt(key: String, defaultValue: Int): Int { return this?.getInt(key, defaultValue) ?: defaultValue } fun Bundle?.getLong(key: String, defaultValue: Long): Long { return this?.getLong(key, defaultValue) ?: defaultValue } fun Bundle?.getFloat(key: String, defaultValue: Float): Float { return this?.getFloat(key, defaultValue) ?: defaultValue } fun Bundle?.getString(key: String, defaultValue: String): String { return this?.getString(key, defaultValue) ?: defaultValue } fun String.fixName(): String { return this.fixWhiteSpaces().toProperCase() } fun String.toProperCase(): String = changeStringCase(this) fun String.swapFirstLastName(): String { return this.split(" ").let { if (it.size > 1) it[1]+" "+it[0] else it[0] } } fun String.getFirstLastName(): Pair? { return this.split(" ").let { if (it.size >= 2) Pair(it[0], it[1]) else null } } fun String.getLastFirstName() = this.getFirstLastName() fun changeStringCase(s: String): String { val delimiters = " '-/" val sb = StringBuilder() var capNext = true for (ch in s.toCharArray()) { var c = ch c = if (capNext) Character.toUpperCase(c) else Character.toLowerCase(c) sb.append(c) capNext = delimiters.indexOf(c) >= 0 } return sb.toString() } fun buildFullName(firstName: String?, lastName: String?): String { return "$firstName $lastName".fixName() } fun String.getShortName(): String { return split(" ").let { if (it.size > 1) "${it[0]} ${it[1][0]}." else it[0] } } fun List.join(delimiter: String): String { return this.joinToString(delimiter) } fun colorFromName(context: Context, name: String?): Int { var crc = (name ?: "").crc16() crc = (crc and 0xff) or (crc shr 8) crc %= 16 val color = when (crc) { 13 -> R.color.md_red_500 4 -> R.color.md_pink_A400 2 -> R.color.md_purple_A400 9 -> R.color.md_deep_purple_A700 5 -> R.color.md_indigo_500 1 -> R.color.md_indigo_A700 6 -> R.color.md_cyan_A200 14 -> R.color.md_teal_400 15 -> R.color.md_green_500 7 -> R.color.md_yellow_A700 3 -> R.color.md_deep_orange_A400 8 -> R.color.md_deep_orange_A700 10 -> R.color.md_brown_500 12 -> R.color.md_grey_400 11 -> R.color.md_blue_grey_400 else -> R.color.md_light_green_A700 } return context.getColorFromRes(color) } fun MutableList.filterOutArchived(): MutableList { this.removeAll { it.archived } return this } fun Activity.isStoragePermissionGranted(): Boolean { return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { if (checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { true } else { ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, arrayOf(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE), 1) false } } else { true } } fun Response?.getUnixDate(): Long { val rfcDate = this?.headers()?.get("date") ?: return currentTimeUnix() val pattern = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" val format = SimpleDateFormat(pattern, Locale.ENGLISH) return format.parse(rfcDate).time / 1000 } const val MINUTE = 60L const val HOUR = 60L*MINUTE const val DAY = 24L*HOUR const val WEEK = 7L*DAY const val MONTH = 30L*DAY const val YEAR = 365L*DAY fun LongSparseArray.values(): List { val result = mutableListOf() forEach { _, value -> result += value } return result } fun SparseArray.values(): List { val result = mutableListOf() forEach { _, value -> result += value } return result } fun List.toSparseArray(destination: SparseArray, key: (T) -> Int) { forEach { destination.put(key(it), it) } } fun List.toSparseArray(destination: LongSparseArray, key: (T) -> Long) { forEach { destination.put(key(it), it) } } fun List.toSparseArray(key: (T) -> Int): SparseArray { val result = SparseArray() toSparseArray(result, key) return result } fun List.toSparseArray(key: (T) -> Long): LongSparseArray { val result = LongSparseArray() toSparseArray(result, key) return result } fun SparseArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? { forEach { _, value -> if (predicate(value)) return value } return null } fun LongSparseArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? { forEach { _, value -> if (predicate(value)) return value } return null } fun String.fixWhiteSpaces() = buildString(length) { var wasWhiteSpace = true for (c in this@fixWhiteSpaces) { if (c.isWhitespace()) { if (!wasWhiteSpace) { append(c) wasWhiteSpace = true } } else { append(c) wasWhiteSpace = false } } }.trimEnd() fun List.getById(id: Long): Team? { return singleOrNull { == id } } fun LongSparseArray.getById(id: Long): Team? { forEach { _, value -> if ( == id) return value } return null } operator fun MatchResult.get(group: Int): String { if (group >= groupValues.size) return "" return groupValues[group] } fun Activity.setLanguage(language: String) { val locale = Locale(language.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) val configuration = resources.configuration Locale.setDefault(locale) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { configuration.setLocale(locale) } configuration.locale = locale resources.updateConfiguration(configuration, resources.displayMetrics) baseContext.resources.updateConfiguration(configuration, baseContext.resources.displayMetrics) } /* Code copied from android-28/java.util.Locale.initDefault() */ fun initDefaultLocale() { run { // user.locale gets priority /*val languageTag: String? = System.getProperty("user.locale", "") if (languageTag.isNotNullNorEmpty()) { return@run Locale(languageTag) }*/ // user.locale is empty val language: String? = System.getProperty("user.language", "pl") val region: String? = System.getProperty("user.region") val country: String? val variant: String? // for compatibility, check for old user.region property if (region != null) { // region can be of form country, country_variant, or _variant val i = region.indexOf('_') if (i >= 0) { country = region.substring(0, i) variant = region.substring(i + 1) } else { country = region variant = "" } } else { country = System.getProperty("", "") variant = System.getProperty("user.variant", "") } return@run Locale(language) }.let { Locale.setDefault(it) } } fun String.crc16(): Int { var crc = 0xFFFF for (aBuffer in this) { crc = crc.ushr(8) or (crc shl 8) and 0xffff crc = crc xor (aBuffer.toInt() and 0xff) // byte to int, trunc sign crc = crc xor (crc and 0xff shr 4) crc = crc xor (crc shl 12 and 0xffff) crc = crc xor (crc and 0xFF shl 5 and 0xffff) } crc = crc and 0xffff return crc + 32768 } fun String.crc32(): Long { val crc = CRC32() crc.update(toByteArray()) return crc.value } fun Long.formatDate(format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"): String = SimpleDateFormat(format).format(this) fun CharSequence?.asColoredSpannable(colorInt: Int): Spannable { val spannable = SpannableString(this) spannable.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(colorInt), 0, spannable.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) return spannable } fun CharSequence?.asStrikethroughSpannable(): Spannable { val spannable = SpannableString(this) spannable.setSpan(StrikethroughSpan(), 0, spannable.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) return spannable } fun CharSequence?.asItalicSpannable(): Spannable { val spannable = SpannableString(this) spannable.setSpan(StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), 0, spannable.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) return spannable } /** * Returns a new read-only list only of those given elements, that are not empty. * Applies for CharSequence and descendants. */ fun listOfNotEmpty(vararg elements: T): List = elements.filterNot { it.isEmpty() } fun List.concat(delimiter: String? = null): CharSequence { if (this.isEmpty()) { return "" } if (this.size == 1) { return this[0] } var spanned = false for (piece in this) { if (piece is Spanned) { spanned = true break } } var first = true if (spanned) { val ssb = SpannableStringBuilder() for (piece in this) { if (!first && delimiter != null) ssb.append(delimiter) first = false ssb.append(piece) } return SpannedString(ssb) } else { val sb = StringBuilder() for (piece in this) { if (!first && delimiter != null) sb.append(delimiter) first = false sb.append(piece) } return sb.toString() } } fun TextView.setText(@StringRes resid: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any) { text = context.getString(resid, *formatArgs) } fun JsonObject(vararg properties: Pair): JsonObject { return JsonObject().apply { for (property in properties) { when (property.second) { is JsonElement -> add(property.first, property.second as JsonElement) is String -> addProperty(property.first, property.second as String) is Char -> addProperty(property.first, property.second as Char) is Number -> addProperty(property.first, property.second as Number) is Boolean -> addProperty(property.first, property.second as Boolean) } } } } fun JsonArray?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean = (this?.size() ?: 0) == 0 fun JsonArray.isEmpty(): Boolean = this.size() == 0 @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") inline fun T.onClick(crossinline onClickListener: (v: T) -> Unit) { setOnClickListener { v: View -> onClickListener(v as T) } } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") inline fun T.onChange(crossinline onChangeListener: (v: T, isChecked: Boolean) -> Unit) { setOnCheckedChangeListener { buttonView, isChecked -> onChangeListener(buttonView as T, isChecked) } } fun LiveData.observeOnce(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer) { observe(lifecycleOwner, object : Observer { override fun onChanged(t: T?) { observer.onChanged(t) removeObserver(this) } }) } /** * Convert a value in dp to pixels. */ val Int.dp: Int get() = (this * Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.density).toInt() /** * Convert a value in pixels to dp. */ val Int.px: Int get() = (this / Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.density).toInt() @ColorInt fun @receiver:AttrRes Int.resolveAttr(context: Context?): Int { val typedValue = TypedValue() context?.theme?.resolveAttribute(this, typedValue, true) return } @ColorInt fun @receiver:ColorRes Int.resolveColor(context: Context): Int { return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { context.resources.getColor(this, context.theme) } else { context.resources.getColor(this) } } fun @receiver:DrawableRes Int.resolveDrawable(context: Context): Drawable { return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { context.resources.getDrawable(this, context.theme) } else { context.resources.getDrawable(this) } } fun View.findParentById(targetId: Int): View? { if (id == targetId) { return this } val viewParent = this.parent ?: return null if (viewParent is View) { return viewParent.findParentById(targetId) } return null }