package pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik import import android.content.BroadcastReceiver import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.IntentFilter import import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.provider.Settings import android.view.Gravity import android.view.View import android.widget.Toast import import import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.navigation.NavOptions import com.danimahardhika.cafebar.CafeBar import import com.jetradarmobile.snowfall.SnowfallView import com.mikepenz.iconics.IconicsDrawable import import com.mikepenz.iconics.utils.colorInt import com.mikepenz.iconics.utils.sizeDp import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.* import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.* import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.utils.hiddenInMiniDrawer import kotlinx.coroutines.* import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode import pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawable import import import* import import import import* import import import import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.databinding.ActivitySzkolnyBinding import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ext.* import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.sync.AppManagerDetectedEvent import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.sync.SyncWorker import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.sync.UpdateWorker import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.base.MainSnackbar import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.base.enums.NavTarget import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.base.enums.NavTargetLocation import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.dialogs.ChangelogDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.dialogs.settings.ProfileConfigDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.dialogs.sync.RegisterUnavailableDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.dialogs.sync.ServerMessageDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.dialogs.sync.SyncViewListDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.dialogs.sync.UpdateAvailableDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.error.ErrorDetailsDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.error.ErrorSnackbar import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.event.EventManualDialog import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.login.LoginActivity import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.messages.list.MessagesFragment import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.ui.timetable.TimetableFragment import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.* import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.Utils.d import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.Utils.dpToPx import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.managers.AvailabilityManager.Error.Type import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.managers.UserActionManager import pl.szczodrzynski.edziennik.utils.models.Date import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.* import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.SystemBarsUtil.Companion.COLOR_HALF_TRANSPARENT import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.bottomsheet.NavBottomSheet import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.bottomsheet.items.BottomSheetPrimaryItem import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.bottomsheet.items.BottomSheetSeparatorItem import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.drawer.NavDrawer import pl.szczodrzynski.navlib.drawer.items.DrawerPrimaryItem import import java.util.* import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext import kotlin.math.roundToInt class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CoroutineScope { companion object { private const val TAG = "MainActivity" } private var job = Job() override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = job + Dispatchers.Main val b: ActivitySzkolnyBinding by lazy { ActivitySzkolnyBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) } val navView: NavView by lazy { b.navView } val drawer: NavDrawer by lazy { navView.drawer } val bottomSheet: NavBottomSheet by lazy { navView.bottomSheet } val mainSnackbar: MainSnackbar by lazy { MainSnackbar(this) } val errorSnackbar: ErrorSnackbar by lazy { ErrorSnackbar(this) } val requestHandler by lazy { MainActivityRequestHandler(this) } val swipeRefreshLayout: SwipeRefreshLayoutNoTouch by lazy { b.swipeRefreshLayout } var onBeforeNavigate: (() -> Boolean)? = null private var pausedNavigationData: PausedNavigationData? = null val app: App by lazy { applicationContext as App } private val fragmentManager by lazy { supportFragmentManager } lateinit var navTarget: NavTarget private set private var navArguments: Bundle? = null private val navBackStack = mutableListOf>() private var navLoading = true /* ____ _____ _ / __ \ / ____| | | | | | |_ __ | | _ __ ___ __ _| |_ ___ | | | | '_ \ | | | '__/ _ \/ _` | __/ _ \ | |__| | | | | | |____| | | __/ (_| | || __/ \____/|_| |_| \_____|_| \___|\__,_|\__\__*/ override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) d(TAG, "Activity created") setTheme(Themes.appTheme) app.config.ui.language?.let { setLanguage(it) } app.buildManager.validateBuild(this) if (App.profileId == 0) { onProfileListEmptyEvent(ProfileListEmptyEvent()) return } d(TAG, "Profile is valid, inflating views") setContentView(b.root) mainSnackbar.setCoordinator(b.navView.coordinator, b.navView.bottomBar) errorSnackbar.setCoordinator(b.navView.coordinator, b.navView.bottomBar) val versionBadge = app.buildManager.versionBadge b.nightlyText.isVisible = versionBadge != null b.nightlyText.text = versionBadge if (versionBadge != null) { b.nightlyText.background.setTintColor(0xa0ff0000.toInt()) } navLoading = true b.navView.apply { drawer.init(this@MainActivity) SystemBarsUtil(this@MainActivity).run { //paddingByKeyboard = b.navView appFullscreen = false statusBarColor = getColorFromAttr(context, android.R.attr.colorBackground) statusBarDarker = false statusBarFallbackLight = COLOR_HALF_TRANSPARENT statusBarFallbackGradient = COLOR_HALF_TRANSPARENT navigationBarTransparent = false b.navView.configSystemBarsUtil(this) // fix for setting status bar color to window color, outside of navlib if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { window.statusBarColor = statusBarColor } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && ColorUtils.calculateLuminance(statusBarColor) > 0.6 ) { @Suppress("deprecation") window.decorView.systemUiVisibility = window.decorView.systemUiVisibility or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR } // TODO fix navlib navbar detection, orientation change issues, status bar color setting if not fullscreen commit() } toolbar.apply { subtitleFormat = R.string.toolbar_subtitle subtitleFormatWithUnread = R.plurals.toolbar_subtitle_with_unread } bottomBar.apply { fabEnable = false fabExtendable = true fabExtended = false fabGravity = Gravity.CENTER if (Themes.isDark) { setBackgroundColor(blendColors( getColorFromAttr(context, R.attr.colorSurface), getColorFromRes(R.color.colorSurface_4dp) )) elevation = dpToPx(4).toFloat() } } bottomSheet.apply { removeAllItems() toggleGroupEnabled = false textInputEnabled = false onCloseListener = { if (!app.config.ui.bottomSheetOpened) app.config.ui.bottomSheetOpened = true } } drawer.apply { setAccountHeaderBackground(app.config.ui.headerBackground) drawerProfileListEmptyListener = { onProfileListEmptyEvent(ProfileListEmptyEvent()) } drawerItemSelectedListener = { id, _, item -> if (item is ExpandableDrawerItem) false else navigate(navTarget = id.asNavTargetOrNull()) } drawerProfileSelectedListener = { id, _, _, _ -> // why is this negated -_- !navigate(profileId = id) } drawerProfileLongClickListener = { _, profile, _, view -> if (view != null && profile is ProfileDrawerItem) { launch { val appProfile = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { App.db.profileDao().getByIdNow(profile.identifier.toInt()) } ?: return@launch drawer.close() ProfileConfigDialog(this@MainActivity, appProfile).show() } true } else { false } } drawerProfileImageLongClickListener = drawerProfileLongClickListener drawerProfileSettingClickListener = this@MainActivity.profileSettingClickListener miniDrawerVisibleLandscape = null miniDrawerVisiblePortrait = app.config.ui.miniMenuVisible } } navTarget = NavTarget.HOME if (savedInstanceState != null) { intent?.putExtras(savedInstanceState) savedInstanceState.clear() } app.db.profileDao().all.observe(this) { profiles -> val allArchived = profiles.all { it.archived } drawer.setProfileList(profiles.filter { >= 0 && (!it.archived || allArchived) }.toMutableList()) //prepend the archived profile if loaded if (app.profile.archived && !allArchived) { drawer.prependProfile(Profile( id =, loginStoreId = app.profile.loginStoreId, loginStoreType = app.profile.loginStoreType, name =, subname = "Archiwum - ${app.profile.subname}" ).also { it.archived = true }) } drawer.currentProfile = App.profileId } setDrawerItems() handleIntent(intent?.extras) app.db.metadataDao().unreadCounts.observe(this) { unreadCounters -> drawer.setUnreadCounterList(unreadCounters) } b.swipeRefreshLayout.isEnabled = true b.swipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener { launch { syncCurrentFeature() } } b.swipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeResources( R.color.md_blue_500, R.color.md_amber_500, R.color.md_green_500 ) SyncWorker.scheduleNext(app) UpdateWorker.scheduleNext(app) // if loaded profile is archived, switch to the up-to-date version of it if (app.profile.archived) { launch { if (app.profile.archiveId != null) { val profile = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { app.db.profileDao().getNotArchivedOf(app.profile.archiveId!!) } if (profile != null) navigate(profile = profile) else navigate(profileId = 0) } else { navigate(profileId = 0) } } } // APP BACKGROUND setAppBackground() // IT'S WINTER MY DUDES val today = Date.getToday() if ((today.month % 11 == 1) && app.config.ui.snowfall) { b.rootFrame.addView(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.snowfall, b.rootFrame, false)) } else if (app.config.ui.eggfall && BigNightUtil().isDataWielkanocyNearDzisiaj()) { val eggfall = layoutInflater.inflate( R.layout.eggfall, b.rootFrame, false ) as SnowfallView eggfall.setSnowflakeBitmaps(listOf( BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.egg1), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.egg2), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.egg3), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.egg4), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.egg5), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.egg6) )) b.rootFrame.addView(eggfall) } // WHAT'S NEW DIALOG if (app.config.appVersion < BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) { // force an AppSync after update app.config.sync.lastAppSync = 0L ChangelogDialog(this).show() if (app.config.appVersion < 170) { //Intent intent = new Intent(this, ChangelogIntroActivity.class); //startActivity(intent); } else { app.config.appVersion = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE } } // RATE SNACKBAR if (app.config.appRateSnackbarTime != 0L && app.config.appRateSnackbarTime <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { navView.coordinator.postDelayed({ CafeBar.builder(this) .content(R.string.rate_snackbar_text) .icon(IconicsDrawable(this).apply { icon = CommunityMaterial.Icon3.cmd_star_outline sizeDp = 24 colorInt = Themes.getPrimaryTextColor(this@MainActivity) }) .positiveText(R.string.rate_snackbar_positive) .positiveColor(-0xb350b0) .negativeText(R.string.rate_snackbar_negative) .negativeColor(0xff666666.toInt()) .neutralText(R.string.rate_snackbar_neutral) .neutralColor(0xff666666.toInt()) .onPositive { cafeBar -> Utils.openGooglePlay(this) cafeBar.dismiss() app.config.appRateSnackbarTime = 0 } .onNegative { cafeBar -> Toast.makeText(this, R.string.rate_snackbar_negative_message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() cafeBar.dismiss() app.config.appRateSnackbarTime = 0 } .onNeutral { cafeBar -> Toast.makeText(this, R.string.ok, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() cafeBar.dismiss() app.config.appRateSnackbarTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } .autoDismiss(false) .swipeToDismiss(true) .floating(true) .show() }, 10000) } // CONTEXT MENU ITEMS bottomSheet.removeAllItems() bottomSheet.appendItems( BottomSheetPrimaryItem(false) .withTitle(R.string.menu_sync) .withIcon(CommunityMaterial.Icon.cmd_download_outline) .withOnClickListener { bottomSheet.close() SyncViewListDialog(this, navTarget).show() }, BottomSheetSeparatorItem(false), ) for (target in NavTarget.values()) { if (target.location != NavTargetLocation.BOTTOM_SHEET) continue if (target.devModeOnly && !App.devMode) continue bottomSheet += target.toBottomSheetItem(this) } } private var profileSettingClickListener = { itemId: Int, _: View? -> when (val item = itemId.asNavTarget()) { NavTarget.PROFILE_ADD -> { requestHandler.requestLogin() } NavTarget.PROFILE_SYNC_ALL -> { EdziennikTask.sync().enqueue(this) } NavTarget.PROFILE_MARK_AS_READ -> { launch { withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { app.db.profileDao().allNow.forEach { profile -> if (profile.loginStoreType != LoginType.LIBRUS) app.db.metadataDao() .setAllSeenExceptMessagesAndAnnouncements(, true) else app.db.metadataDao().setAllSeenExceptMessages(, true) } } Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, R.string.main_menu_mark_as_read_success, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } else -> { navigate(navTarget = item) } } false } /* _____ / ____| | (___ _ _ _ __ ___ \___ \| | | | '_ \ / __| ____) | |_| | | | | (__ |_____/ \__, |_| |_|\___| __/ | |__*/ private suspend fun syncCurrentFeature() { if (app.profile.archived) { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(this) .setTitle(R.string.profile_archived_title) .setMessage( R.string.profile_archived_text, app.profile.studentSchoolYearStart, app.profile.studentSchoolYearStart + 1 ) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, null) .show() swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = false return } if (app.profile.shouldArchive()) { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(this) .setTitle(R.string.profile_archiving_title) .setMessage( R.string.profile_archiving_format, app.profile.dateYearEnd.formattedString ) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, null) .show() } if (app.profile.isBeforeYear()) { MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(this) .setTitle(R.string.profile_year_not_started_title) .setMessage( R.string.profile_year_not_started_format, app.profile.dateSemester1Start.formattedString ) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, null) .show() swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = false return } val error = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { app.availabilityManager.check(app.profile) } when (error?.type) { Type.NOT_AVAILABLE -> { swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = false navigate(navTarget = NavTarget.HOME) RegisterUnavailableDialog(this, error.status!!).show() return } Type.API_ERROR -> { errorSnackbar.addError(error.apiError!!).show() return } Type.NO_API_ACCESS -> { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.error_no_api_access, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } else -> {} } swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = true Toast.makeText(this, fragmentToSyncName(navTarget), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() val featureType = when (navTarget) { NavTarget.MESSAGES -> when (MessagesFragment.pageSelection) { Message.TYPE_SENT -> FeatureType.MESSAGES_SENT else -> FeatureType.MESSAGES_INBOX } else -> navTarget.featureType } val arguments = when (navTarget) { NavTarget.TIMETABLE -> JsonObject("weekStart" to TimetableFragment.pageSelection?.weekStart?.stringY_m_d) else -> null } EdziennikTask.syncProfile( App.profileId, featureType?.let { setOf(it) }, arguments = arguments ).enqueue(this) } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN, sticky = true) fun onUpdateEvent(event: Update) { EventBus.getDefault().removeStickyEvent(event) UpdateAvailableDialog(this, event).show() } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN, sticky = true) fun onRegisterAvailabilityEvent(event: RegisterAvailabilityEvent) { EventBus.getDefault().removeStickyEvent(event) val error = app.availabilityManager.check(app.profile, cacheOnly = true) if (error != null) { RegisterUnavailableDialog(this, error.status!!).show() } } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) fun onApiTaskStartedEvent(event: ApiTaskStartedEvent) { swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = true if (event.profileId == App.profileId) { navView.toolbar.apply { subtitleFormat = null subtitleFormatWithUnread = null subtitle = getString(R.string.toolbar_subtitle_syncing) } } } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) fun onProfileListEmptyEvent(event: ProfileListEmptyEvent) { d(TAG, "Profile list is empty. Launch LoginActivity.") app.config.loginFinished = false startActivity(Intent(this, finish() } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) fun onApiTaskProgressEvent(event: ApiTaskProgressEvent) { if (event.profileId == App.profileId) { navView.toolbar.apply { subtitleFormat = null subtitleFormatWithUnread = null subtitle = if (event.progress < 0f) event.progressText ?: "" else getString( R.string.toolbar_subtitle_syncing_format, event.progress.roundToInt(), event.progressText ?: "", ) } } } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN, sticky = true) fun onApiTaskFinishedEvent(event: ApiTaskFinishedEvent) { EventBus.getDefault().removeStickyEvent(event) if (event.profileId == App.profileId) { navView.toolbar.apply { subtitleFormat = R.string.toolbar_subtitle subtitleFormatWithUnread = R.plurals.toolbar_subtitle_with_unread subtitle = "Gotowe" } } } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN, sticky = true) fun onApiTaskAllFinishedEvent(event: ApiTaskAllFinishedEvent) { EventBus.getDefault().removeStickyEvent(event) swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = false } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN, sticky = true) fun onApiTaskErrorEvent(event: ApiTaskErrorEvent) { EventBus.getDefault().removeStickyEvent(event) if (event.error.errorCode == ERROR_VULCAN_API_DEPRECATED) { if (event.error.profileId != App.profileId) return ErrorDetailsDialog(this, listOf(event.error)).show() } navView.toolbar.apply { subtitleFormat = R.string.toolbar_subtitle subtitleFormatWithUnread = R.plurals.toolbar_subtitle_with_unread subtitle = "Gotowe" } mainSnackbar.dismiss() errorSnackbar.addError(event.error).show() } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN, sticky = true) fun onAppManagerDetectedEvent(event: AppManagerDetectedEvent) { EventBus.getDefault().removeStickyEvent(event) if (app.config.sync.dontShowAppManagerDialog) return MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(this) .setTitle(R.string.app_manager_dialog_title) .setMessage(R.string.app_manager_dialog_text) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> try { for (intent in appManagerIntentList) { if (packageManager.resolveActivity(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY) != null ) { startActivity(intent) } } } catch (e: Exception) { try { startActivity(Intent(Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS)) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() Toast.makeText(this, R.string.app_manager_open_failed, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show() } } } .setNeutralButton(R.string.dont_ask_again) { _, _ -> app.config.sync.dontShowAppManagerDialog = true } .setCancelable(false) .show() } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) fun onUserActionRequiredEvent(event: UserActionRequiredEvent) { app.userActionManager.execute(this, event, UserActionManager.UserActionCallback()) } private fun fragmentToSyncName(navTarget: NavTarget): Int { return when (navTarget) { NavTarget.TIMETABLE -> R.string.sync_feature_timetable NavTarget.AGENDA -> R.string.sync_feature_agenda NavTarget.GRADES -> R.string.sync_feature_grades NavTarget.HOMEWORK -> R.string.sync_feature_homework NavTarget.BEHAVIOUR -> R.string.sync_feature_notices NavTarget.ATTENDANCE -> R.string.sync_feature_attendance NavTarget.MESSAGES -> when (MessagesFragment.pageSelection) { Message.TYPE_SENT -> R.string.sync_feature_messages_outbox else -> R.string.sync_feature_messages_inbox } NavTarget.ANNOUNCEMENTS -> R.string.sync_feature_announcements else -> R.string.sync_feature_syncing_all } } /* _____ _ _ |_ _| | | | | | | _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ | |_ ___ | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '_ \| __/ __| _| |_| | | | || __/ | | | |_\__ \ |_____|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_|\__|__*/ private val intentReceiver: BroadcastReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() { override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) { handleIntent(intent?.extras) } } fun handleIntent(extras: Bundle?) { d(TAG, "handleIntent() {") extras?.keySet()?.forEach { key -> d(TAG, " \"$key\": " + extras.get(key)) } d(TAG, "}") val intentProfileId = extras.getIntOrNull("profileId") var intentNavTarget = extras.getIntOrNull("fragmentId").asNavTargetOrNull() if (extras?.containsKey("action") == true) { val handled = when (extras.getString("action")) { "serverMessage" -> { ServerMessageDialog( this, extras.getString("serverMessageTitle") ?: getString(R.string.app_name), extras.getString("serverMessageText") ?: "" ).show() true } "feedbackMessage" -> { intentNavTarget = NavTarget.FEEDBACK false } "userActionRequired" -> { val event = UserActionRequiredEvent( profileId = extras.getInt("profileId"), type = extras.getEnum("type") ?: return, params = extras.getBundle("params") ?: return, errorText = 0, ) app.userActionManager.execute(this, event, UserActionManager.UserActionCallback()) true } "createManualEvent" -> { val date = extras.getString("eventDate") ?.let { Date.fromY_m_d(it) } ?: Date.getToday() EventManualDialog( this, App.profileId, defaultDate = date ).show() true } else -> false } if (handled && !navLoading) { return } } if (extras?.containsKey("reloadProfileId") == true) { val reloadProfileId = extras.getIntOrNull("reloadProfileId") if (reloadProfileId == -1 || == reloadProfileId) { reloadTarget() return } } extras?.remove("profileId") extras?.remove("fragmentId") extras?.remove("reloadProfileId") /*if (intentTargetId == -1 && navController.currentDestination?.id == { intentTargetId = }*/ if (navLoading) b.fragment.removeAllViews() when { == 0 -> navigate( profileId = intentProfileId ?: app.config.lastProfileId, navTarget = intentNavTarget, args = extras, ) intentProfileId != -1 -> navigate( profileId = intentProfileId, navTarget = intentNavTarget, args = extras, ) intentNavTarget != null -> navigate( navTarget = intentNavTarget, args = extras, ) else -> drawer.currentProfile = } navLoading = false } override fun recreate() { recreate(navTarget) } fun recreate(navTarget: NavTarget) { recreate(navTarget, null) } fun recreate(navTarget: NavTarget? = null, arguments: Bundle? = null) { val intent = Intent(this, if (arguments != null) intent.putExtras(arguments) if (navTarget != null) { intent.putExtra("fragmentId", } finish() overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fade_in, R.anim.fade_out) startActivity(intent) } override fun onStart() { d(TAG, "Activity started") super.onStart() } override fun onStop() { d(TAG, "Activity stopped") super.onStop() } override fun onResume() { d(TAG, "Activity resumed") val filter = IntentFilter() filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN) registerReceiver(intentReceiver, filter) EventBus.getDefault().register(this) super.onResume() } override fun onPause() { d(TAG, "Activity paused") unregisterReceiver(intentReceiver) EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this) super.onPause() } override fun onDestroy() { d(TAG, "Activity destroyed") super.onDestroy() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) outState.putExtras("fragmentId" to navTarget) } override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) { super.onNewIntent(intent) handleIntent(intent?.extras) } @Suppress("deprecation") override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) requestHandler.handleResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) } /* _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ __ _ __| | _ __ ___ ___| |_| |__ ___ __| |___ | | / _ \ / _` |/ _` | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __| '_ \ / _ \ / _` / __| | |___| (_) | (_| | (_| | | | | | | | __/ |_| | | | (_) | (_| \__ \ |______\___/ \__,_|\__,_| |_| |_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|__*/ val navOptions = NavOptions.Builder() .setEnterAnim(R.anim.task_open_enter) // new fragment enter .setExitAnim(R.anim.task_open_exit) // old fragment exit .setPopEnterAnim(R.anim.task_close_enter) // old fragment enter back .setPopExitAnim(R.anim.task_close_exit) // new fragment exit .build() private fun canNavigate(): Boolean = onBeforeNavigate?.invoke() != false fun resumePausedNavigation(): Boolean { val data = pausedNavigationData ?: return false navigate( profileId = data.profileId, navTarget = data.navTarget, args = data.args, skipBeforeNavigate = true, ) pausedNavigationData = null return true } fun navigate( profileId: Int? = null, profile: Profile? = null, navTarget: NavTarget? = null, args: Bundle? = null, skipBeforeNavigate: Boolean = false, ): Boolean { d(TAG, "navigate(profileId = ${profile?.id ?: profileId}, target = ${navTarget?.name}, args = $args)") if (!(skipBeforeNavigate || navTarget == this.navTarget) && !canNavigate()) { bottomSheet.close() drawer.close() // restore the previous profile if changing it with the drawer // well, it still does not change the toolbar profile image, // but that's now NavView's problem, not mine. drawer.currentProfile = pausedNavigationData = PausedNavigationData(profileId, navTarget, args) return false } val loadNavTarget = navTarget ?: this.navTarget if (profile != null && != App.profileId) { navigateImpl(profile, loadNavTarget, args, profileChanged = true) return true } if (profileId != null && profileId != App.profileId) { app.profileLoad(profileId) { navigateImpl(it, loadNavTarget, args, profileChanged = true) } return true } navigateImpl(App.profile, loadNavTarget, args, profileChanged = false) return true } private fun navigateImpl( profile: Profile, navTarget: NavTarget, args: Bundle?, profileChanged: Boolean, ) { d(TAG, "navigateImpl(profileId = ${}, target = ${}, args = $args)") if (navTarget.featureType != null && !profile.hasUIFeature(navTarget.featureType)) { navigateImpl(profile, NavTarget.HOME, args, profileChanged) return } if (profileChanged) { App.profile = profile MessagesFragment.pageSelection = -1 // set new drawer items for this profile setDrawerItems() val previousArchivedId = if (app.profile.archived) else null if (previousArchivedId != null) { // prevents accidentally removing the first item if the archived profile is not shown drawer.removeProfileById(previousArchivedId) } if (profile.archived) { // add the same profile but with a different name // (other fields are not needed by the drawer) drawer.prependProfile(Profile( id =, loginStoreId = profile.loginStoreId, loginStoreType = profile.loginStoreType, name =, subname = "Archiwum - ${profile.subname}" ).also { it.archived = true }) } // the drawer profile is updated automatically when the drawer item is clicked // update it manually when switching profiles from other source //if (drawer.currentProfile != drawer.currentProfile = App.profileId } val arguments = args ?: navBackStack.firstOrNull { it.first == navTarget }?.second ?: Bundle() bottomSheet.close() bottomSheet.removeAllContextual() bottomSheet.toggleGroupEnabled = false drawer.close() if (drawer.getSelection() != drawer.setSelection(, fireOnClick = false) navView.toolbar.setTitle(navTarget.titleRes ?: navTarget.nameRes) navView.bottomBar.fabEnable = false navView.bottomBar.fabExtended = false navView.bottomBar.setFabOnClickListener(null) d("NavDebug", "Navigating from ${} to ${}") val fragment = navTarget.fragmentClass?.newInstance() ?: return fragment.arguments = arguments val transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction() if (navTarget == this.navTarget) { // just reload the current target transaction.setCustomAnimations( R.anim.fade_in, R.anim.fade_out ) } else { navBackStack.keys().lastIndexOf(navTarget).let { if (it == -1) return@let navTarget // pop the back stack up until that target transaction.setCustomAnimations( R.anim.task_close_enter, R.anim.task_close_exit ) // navigating grades_add -> grades // navTarget == grades_add // navBackStack = [home, grades, grades_editor] // it == 1 // // navTarget = target // remove 1 // remove 2 val popCount = navBackStack.size - it for (i in 0 until popCount) { navBackStack.removeAt(navBackStack.lastIndex) } this.navTarget = navTarget this.navArguments = arguments return@let null }?.let { // target is neither current nor in the back stack // so navigate to it transaction.setCustomAnimations( R.anim.task_open_enter, R.anim.task_open_exit ) navBackStack.add(this.navTarget to this.navArguments) this.navTarget = navTarget this.navArguments = arguments } } if (navTarget.popTo == NavTarget.HOME) { // if the current has popToHome, let only home be in the back stack // probably `if (navTarget.popToHome)` in popBackStack() is not needed now val popCount = navBackStack.size - 1 for (i in 0 until popCount) { navBackStack.removeAt(navBackStack.lastIndex) } } d("NavDebug", "Current fragment ${}, back stack:") navBackStack.forEachIndexed { index, item -> d("NavDebug", " - $index: ${}") } transaction.replace(, fragment) transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss() // TASK DESCRIPTION if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { val bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.mipmap.ic_launcher) @Suppress("deprecation") val taskDesc = ActivityManager.TaskDescription( if (navTarget == NavTarget.HOME) getString(R.string.app_name) else getString(R.string.app_task_format, getString(navTarget.nameRes)), bm, getColorFromAttr(this, R.attr.colorSurface) ) setTaskDescription(taskDesc) } return } fun reloadTarget() = navigate() private fun popBackStack(skipBeforeNavigate: Boolean = false): Boolean { if (navBackStack.size == 0) { return false } // TODO back stack argument support if (navTarget.popTo != null) { navigate( navTarget = navTarget.popTo, skipBeforeNavigate = skipBeforeNavigate, ) } else { navBackStack.last().let { navigate( navTarget = it.first, args = it.second, skipBeforeNavigate = skipBeforeNavigate, ) } } return true } fun navigateUp(skipBeforeNavigate: Boolean = false) { if (!popBackStack(skipBeforeNavigate)) { super.onBackPressed() } } /** * Use the NavLib's menu button ripple to gain user attention * that something has changed in the bottom sheet. */ fun gainAttention() { if (app.config.ui.bottomSheetOpened) return b.navView.postDelayed({ navView.gainAttentionOnBottomBar() }, 2000) } fun gainAttentionFAB() { navView.bottomBar.fabExtended = false b.navView.postDelayed({ navView.bottomBar.fabExtended = true }, 1000) b.navView.postDelayed({ navView.bottomBar.fabExtended = false }, 3000) } fun setAppBackground() { try { b.root.background = app.config.ui.appBackground?.let { if (it.endsWith(".gif")) GifDrawable(it) else BitmapDrawable.createFromPath(it) } } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() } } /* _____ _ _ | __ \ (_) | | | | |_ __ __ ___ _____ _ __ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___ | | | | '__/ _` \ \ /\ / / _ \ '__| | | __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \/ __| | |__| | | | (_| |\ V V / __/ | | | || __/ | | | | \__ \ |_____/|_| \__,_| \_/\_/ \___|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_| |_|__*/ private fun createDrawerItem(target: NavTarget, level: Int = 1): IDrawerItem<*> { val item = when { // target.subItems != null -> ExpandableDrawerItem() level > 1 -> SecondaryDrawerItem() else -> DrawerPrimaryItem() } item.also { it.identifier = it.nameRes = target.nameRes it.descriptionRes = target.descriptionRes ?: -1 it.icon = target.icon?.toImageHolder() it.hiddenInMiniDrawer = !app.config.ui.miniMenuButtons.contains(target) if (it is DrawerPrimaryItem) it.appTitle = target.titleRes?.resolveString(this) if (/* it is ColorfulBadgeable && */ target.badgeType != null) it.badgeStyle = drawer.badgeStyle it.isSelectedBackgroundAnimated = false it.level = level } if (target.badgeType != null) drawer.addUnreadCounterType(, /* item.subItems = target.subItems?.map { createDrawerItem(it, level + 1) }?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf() */ return item } fun setDrawerItems() { d("NavDebug", "setDrawerItems() app.profile = ${app.profile}") val drawerItems = arrayListOf>() val drawerItemsMore = arrayListOf>() val drawerItemsBottom = arrayListOf>() val drawerProfiles = arrayListOf() for (target in NavTarget.values()) { if (target.devModeOnly && !App.devMode) continue if (target.featureType != null && !app.profile.hasUIFeature(target.featureType)) continue when (target.location) { NavTargetLocation.DRAWER -> { drawerItems += createDrawerItem(target, level = 1) } NavTargetLocation.DRAWER_MORE -> { drawerItemsMore += createDrawerItem(target, level = 2) } NavTargetLocation.DRAWER_BOTTOM -> { drawerItemsBottom += createDrawerItem(target, level = 1) } NavTargetLocation.PROFILE_LIST -> { drawerProfiles += ProfileSettingDrawerItem().also { it.identifier = it.nameRes = target.nameRes it.descriptionRes = target.descriptionRes ?: -1 it.icon = target.icon?.toImageHolder() } } else -> continue } } drawerItems += ExpandableDrawerItem().also { it.identifier = -1L it.nameRes = R.string.menu_more it.icon = CommunityMaterial.Icon.cmd_dots_horizontal.toImageHolder() it.subItems = drawerItemsMore.toMutableList() it.isSelectedBackgroundAnimated = false it.isSelectable = false } drawerItems += DividerDrawerItem() drawerItems += drawerItemsBottom // seems that this cannot be open, because the itemAdapter has Profile items // instead of normal Drawer items... drawer.profileSelectionClose() drawer.setItems(*drawerItems.toTypedArray()) drawer.removeAllProfileSettings() drawer.addProfileSettings(*drawerProfiles.toTypedArray()) } override fun onBackPressed() { if (App.config.ui.openDrawerOnBackPressed) { if (drawer.isOpen) navigateUp() else if (!navView.onBackPressed()) } else { if (!navView.onBackPressed()) navigateUp() } } fun error(error: ApiError) = errorSnackbar.addError(error).show() fun snackbar( text: String, actionText: String? = null, onClick: (() -> Unit)? = null, ) = mainSnackbar.snackbar(text, actionText, onClick) fun snackbarDismiss() = mainSnackbar.dismiss() }