Semester 1 Semester 2 From e-register By grade\'s value From newest By subject name Event Homework January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March April May June July August September October November December Abort Add Timetable changes Absent teachers %s ago There may be an app manager running on this device, which could cause issues with automatic synchronisation.\n\nIn order to prevent this issue, turn off battery optimization for\n\nPress OK to go to system settings. There was a problem with synchronization Couldn\'t open settings Are you sure? Summary - semester %d  Summary - all year  Absences: Of which unexcused: Late: No absences. Presences: Releases: All subjects Summary - loading… Back Adjust the bell sync time. Format: ±H:MM:SS Incorrect format break (%s) Calibration is impossible, because there are no lessons now. Try again, i.e. in the end of the lesson or break. Remember that you should run this even before planned bell time. Choose the nearest bell to synchronize. \n\nCurrent calibration: %s Click the bell icon, when the bell rings. The counter\'s time will be calibrated to the bell time.\n\nPlanned bell time is %s\n\nThe bell time difference at the moment is %s lesson %s (%s) Do you want to reset the calibration? The bell is inexact by %s Time of the bell to synchronize Calibrate with the school bell Calendar app not found Cancel Move up Move down Upcoming events Go to grades Grades - last 7 days No grades to show Click to set your number. Type in your number from the school register: Your number Your number is %d. %d is the Lucky number today. Go to timetable Events: In a moment: Today\'s timetable Lesson duration: %s %s
%s %s]]>
%s %s
%s %s]]>
No lessons on this day No timetable. Now: Timetable for %s The lessons are over! You should never see this! Report an error! Upcoming events Recent grades Lucky number Timetable Download You have version %s, while %s is available. An update is available Choose a file Choose a profile Close Compose Compose Configure Copied to clipboard Copy to clipboard Synchronize If the app doesn\'t open at all, you can try to download the data again. Click the button, then Restart the app. Error details Message from developer It\'s not a bug. It\'s a feature! Please, report this error. Report the error "Couldn\'t send a report: " Error report sent Restart application Synchronise E-register:\nAn unexpected error occurred.\nSorry for inconvenience. today (%s) tomorrow (%s) You shouldn\'t really care about what you see here. These settings are intended for this app\'s developers, not for normal users.\n\nThey are not described in any way, so using them may lead to breaking some functions in the app, damaging your system, losing data or even installing a virus on the battery.\n\nBe careful and use them wisely. Developer mode Predicted semester %d average:\n%#.2f\n Predicted yearly average:\n%#.2f\n Semester %d final grades average:\n%#.2f\n Yearly final grades average:\n%#.2f\n Semester %d proposed grades average:\n%#.2f\n Yearly proposed grades average:\n%#.2f\n Grade averages Averages of semester %d are not available Yearly average is not available %s - %s (%s lessons - %s hours %s minutes) No events this day Error details Added Attachments Content Subject Teacher Team Topic No events in the selected period. All day You cannot share this event unless you choose a group (class) of recipients. Change color Select a lesson -- custom time -- Date Select the time Date next lesson %s next %s (%s) -- other day -- today (%s) tomorrow (%s) Lesson Select a lesson More options To be able to share anything, you have to agree to register.\nDon\'t worry, the registration is automatic, so you don\'t have to specify any data.\n\nClick More to learn more about the processed data. You are not registered No lessons this day No subject No teacher No team No timetable is downloaded… This event was shared by someone else. You will remove it only on your device, but you\'ll never receive it again. This event was shared by you, so it\'ll be also removed on your classmates\' devices. Share to your class The event will be sent to every registered student in the selected class. Change of this event will be sent to everyone from the selected class. This event will be removed from your classmates\' devices. You don\'t own this event, so a change request will be sent to %s You cannot do that, because you disabled Event sharing in Settings.\nDo you want to enable it? Event sharing is disabled Subject Teacher Team Select a team Lesson/time Select the time Add an entry to the agenda Topic Specify a topic Type Choose a type Added date Category Class average Comment Description Grade history Grade ID The grade is improved by another one (no category) (no description) semester %d Teacher Value to the average weight %.2f Grades color By grade\'s value From e-register From newest By subject name Sort grades Details Classroom Lesson ID Lesson number Lesson shifted from %s Lesson shifted to %s Teacher Team Show No events on this lesson. You can add a new event manually, using Add button. Choose which notifications should appear in your system and the app. Show selected notifications Profile removed successfully. Do you want to remove the selected event? Manual event Manual homework Manual synchronization Profile Big font Opacity Theme Do nothing Done Don\'t ask again Download %s (%s)? Downloading… Downloading file The existing file can\'t be removed.\nA new file will be created. File %s already exists.\nWhat do you want to do with it? Create new Open existing Overwrite Add a new profile Export app data Add or remove students\' profiles There are no more lessons for this subject. Download the timetable and try again. Custom subject Cancel Close Reporting errors… Reporting errors Synchronization interrupted First login Creating notifications Synchronizing profile %s… Thanks to it, can synchronize data with an e-journal. You can close it because it isn\'t doing anything right now. Synchronization service Syncing account details… Syncing announcements… Syncing attendance… Syncing presence categories… Syncing student behaviour… Syncing behaviour grades… Syncing calendar… Syncing class information… Syncing classrooms… Syncing data… Syncing descriptive grades… Syncing dictionaries… Syncing event categories… Syncing calendar events… Syncing exams Syncing grade categories… Syncing grade comments… Syncing grades… Syncing homework… Syncing lessons… Syncing the lucky number… Syncing messages… Syncing messages inbox… Syncing messages outbox… Syncing notice types… Syncing notices… Syncing point grades… Syncing proposed grades… Syncing parents\' meetings… Setting up push notifications… Syncing school info… Syncing student info… Syncing subjects… Syncing teacher absence types… Syncing teacher absences… Syncing teachers… Syncing class groups… Syncing timetable… Syncing unit info… Logging in to the API… Logging in to LIBRUS® messages… Logging in to LIBRUS® Rodzina… Logging in to LIBRUS® Synergia… Logging in to MobiDziennik… Logging in to MobiDziennik… Logging in to MobiDziennik… Logging in to Template API… Logging in to Template WEB… Logging in to VULCAN® Syncing shared events… Creating notifications… Error Error details Wrong module given: %d Report it to the application developer The subject ID wasn\'t specified. An error occurred! An error occurred: %s Couldn\'t read the lesson. Register ID was not found. This student isn\'t assigned to any register in the current semester. School year was not found. Editing others\' events is not implemented yet. Student ID was not found. Probably the app was updated.\n\nDo a sync again or try again in 5 minutes. Kod błędu: %d (on %s) Added: all day class event %1$s by %2$s %1$s by you {cmd-share-variant} %1$s by %2$s {cmd-share-variant} %1$s by you essay exam school trip information Added %1$s by %2$s%3$s Added %1$s by you%3$s Added %1$s%3$s {cmd-share-variant} %1$s by %2$s%3$s {cmd-share-variant} %1$s by you%3$s Removing event… Saving event… Sharing event… Removing event from the rest of the class… Removing shared event… Are you sure you want to mark this task as completed?\n\nIt won\'t show up on the main or homework pages, but will still be available in the agenda. Mark as done other project parent-teacher meeting reading Removing shared event… {cmd-share-variant} by %s you Event sharing Sharing the event… short test homework There are no more events in the calendar. Exit Frequently asked questions Did you find an answer to your question? If not, you can ask me directly. Did you find an answer? If you have a question, you can open the FAQ database first. Do you want to check that website? Ask a question Frequently asked questions - open Open FAQ database Conversation history Send Something\'s not right? A question, suggestion? (no description) %s (final) %s - final %s (proposed) %s - proposed Starting points Starting points: semester %d from %s %s (yearly) %s - yearly final %s (prop. yearly) %s - yearly proposed %spts, %spts no average average: %s points: %s %spts sum: %s %s pts annual: %2$s Count the average if all weights are 0 Allows to calculate the average of subjects in which all grades have a weight of 0 (are not counted to the average).\n\nIf such subjects shouldn\'t be counted to the average, uncheck the box next to this setting. Exclude selected grades from the average Separate the grades with a comma Enter grades… Hide corrected grades from the list Custom \"minus\" value Custom \"plus\" value Grade configuration Add a grade Adding a grade Choose the weight of the grade Change grade Change weight Slide the grade left to change or remove it. Click the button below to add a new grade. New grade Restore all Semester average after changes: Your semester average: Yearly average after changes: Your yearly average: weight %s other weight (resit) %s max %s pts No grades. Semester %d Semester 1 Semester 2 semester %d: %s semester %d: %s%% semester %d: %spts Semester %d Semester %d Current settings could be affecting the average. If you think that it\'s incorrect, click Configure. There is a custom \"minus\"/\"plus\" value set. If you think that it\'s incorrect, click Configure. *grade averages are only illustrative and may vary, depending on school settings *predicted average *from final grades\nPredicted: %s *from final grades *from proposed grades\nPredicted: %s *from proposed grades The predicted grade for a given subject is calculated based on the current weighted average.\n\nThe grade is an integer that the teacher would have based on the average. The number is rounded up if the decimal part exceeds 75.\nFor example: 3.75 as well as 4.74 give a 4.\n\nThe predicted average of all subjects includes the final grades calculated in this way. Calculating the average of all subjects Too little data to calculate the average. Average of regular grades Average of point grades Proposed grades average:\n%s semester 1 semester 2 Grade stats yearly value: %s weight %s not counted to avg end of year: %s yearly: %s%% yearly: %spts Entire year: %s • %s Hello blank fragment Help Notification forwarding allows you to pair a PC web browser to receive notifications on your desktop. This includes new grades, events, homework etc.\n\nClick \"Notification forwarding\" to begin. Registration will run automatically on the first login.\n\nThere will be some data sent to the app server:\n- your school and class ID\n- your e-register username\n- your first and last name\n\nThe only data visible to others is your name (when sharing events). Any private data (like password, grades etc.) won\'t be sent anywhere. Learn more in the Privacy policy. Download again Edit event Go to timetable Mark as done Save to calendar Add/remove cards Swipe left to remove a card, hold to move. %s • Your e-register number is %d %s • Click to set your journal number. The lucky number on %s is %d. No info about the lucky number. There is no lucky number today. %d is today\'s lucky number. %d is the lucky number for tomorrow. Your number will be lucky on %s. Today is your lucky number! Tomorrow will be your lucky number! Later: no lessons First: %s Coming up: %s Now: %s %d lessons - %s to %s Remaining lessons: %d to %s There are no lessons There are no lessons in the coming week. The timetable was not downloaded Sync The timetable for week %s hasn\'t yet been downloaded. There is no timetable The timetable hasn\'t yet been made public by your school.\n\n\Contact your tutor for more information. Today Tomorrow (%1$s) Edit There is no homework. Current Past I agree I disagree in %s Incorrect format Use system language New lesson Break Lesson cancelled Lesson change Shifted lesson Timetable change There are no more lessons today! Loading… This account doesn\'t have any students You can\'t log in, because there is no student assigned to this account.\n\nAssing a student on e-journal page or login with an account with a student already assigned to it. Allow registration Log in Do you really want to cancel? Displayed profiles won\'t be saved. Error: %s Account is not activated Token has expired. Generate a new token. Incorrect server name Incorrect code Incorrect code or PIN Incorrect e-mail Incorrect login Incorrect login or password Incorrect PIN Incorrect PIN. Remaining tries: %s Incorrect school name Incorrect school symbol Incorrect token Incorrect token or PIN Incorrect username Enter server address no arguments specified Enter the code Enter e-mail Enter login Enter password Enter PIN Enter school name Enter school symbol Enter token Enter username Old password was used Login failed Incorrect login/password.\n\nIf you consider this an error, report it. You can start using the app. In Settings you can customize it to best match your requirements. Another profile was added. You can switch between profiles using the header of the Drawer. You\'re all set! How to get this data? School server name Address E-mail Login Login / e-mail Password PIN School name Symbol Token Username LIBRUS® - login In order to use the app you need a LIBRUS® Rodzina account. You can create it on Use the data you normally enter in the fields marked on the image. Help for LIBRUS® login Log in with the token and PIN, which you can get from the "mobile apps" section of LIBRUS® Synergia. Log in to LIBRUS® JST Log in using your LIBRUS® Rodzina account data (created before on your e-mail address). You can\'t login using the data provided by your school. In case of any problems, use the button below the form. Log in to LIBRUS® Synergia A migration error has occurred. It\'s already reported, which means I\'ll try to fix it.\n\nYou can continue using the app. In case of any problems try to remove the profile and create it again. The app got a huge update. If you encounter any problems, feel free to contact me using the Feedback option in the menu. has been updated Migration… Address: Login and password: Use the data you use to log in to desktop version of Mobidziennik or to the official mobile app. Help - MobiDziennik Log in using the data you got from your school. In case of any problems, use the button below the form. Log in - MobiDziennik Logging in… Choose the e-register which your school uses. Later you\'ll be able to add more accounts using different e-registers. Which e-register do you use? (child) (parent) Add a student You have to select at least one profile to save in the app. No profile selected You have logged into the e-register. Select student profiles which you want to save in the app.\n\nYou can add more accounts using a button on the bottom.\nIf you want, you can add more accounts later. It\'s almost ready You won\'t be able to use Event sharing and Notification forwarding. Turn off registration? An error occurred during sync. Click the button on the bottom to report the error.\n\nProfiles were saved, so . In case of any problems you can go to Feedback in the Drawer.\n Sync error Syncing profile Syncing… Registering the device: Login into desktop version of VULCAN® e-register and select \"Dostęp mobilny\" option. Click \"Zarejestruj urządzenie mobilne\". You can type in the data or scan the QR code and type only the PIN. Help - VULCAN® UONET+ Obtained data: Scan QR code Choose \"Dostęp mobilny\" on e-register website, register a new device and enter the data. In case of any problems, use the button below the form. Log in - VULCAN® UONET+ Add… Change view Generate a block timetable Grade averages Grades color Marked everything as read Load again Sort by F M Cancel OK S S T Today T W Add event Save own event or homework in the agenda Add a new student Add or remove cards Agenda Change Agenda view Notice board Attendance Debugging Help and FAQ Save the timetable as an image Generates timetable for the whole week Grades End-of-year average calculation method Grade averages Show semester and end-of-year averages Grades color Grades settings Grade editing simulator Sort grades Help Home page Homework Lab Manage profiles Mark as read Mark everything as read Message Compose Messages More Behaviour Notifications Clear Cleared notifications Set your register number Settings Synchronise Synchronise all Template Timetable Timetable editor Forwarding notifications Cannot download attachment An internal error occurred while downloading the attachment. A weak internet connection may be the case. Download again Are you sure you want to send the message to selected recipients? Confirm sending the message Add an attachment Abort message Save draft Send This recipient has already been selected Select recipients Check if the selected recipients are correct Select recipients from the category %s you want to add to the message. Add recipients Send Enter a subject with at least 3 characters Subject Enter the message Write a message… Write a message To Are you sure you want to delete the message? This will move the message to the \"Deleted\" tab in the app. The changes will not affect the e-journal message (it will not be deleted ). Message downloading error Draft You don\'t have any messages Error getting the recipient list  %s, read: %s, %s]]>  %s, read: yes]]>  %s, read: no]]> Reply %s at %s Search Found %d message Message was sent Deleted Inbox Sent More Try to turn on Wi-Fi or mobile data. You\'re offline Next No There are no lessons today! No permissions No, thanks Not now No student\'s notices. Other: %s, points: %s Praises: Summary - loading… Summary - semester %d  Summary - all year  Warnings: Notification Absence Excused absence School announcement from %s: %s %1$s on lesson %2$s on day %3$s %1$s on day %3$s Late Excused late Failed to check for updates Notification about data sync progress Synchronisation Notifications about new data in the e-register Notifications Notifications about new data in the e-register (no sound - during quiet hours) Notifications (quiet hours) Notifications about new versions of the app App updates Notifications about a problem that requires user interaction (e.g. Captcha verification). It is recommended to leave this category on. Action required Click to see all notifications Day off Downloading update… %1$s on %2$s from %3$s unknown subject %1$s on %2$s Are you sure you want to apply these settings?\n\nYou won\'t see information about some data, so you may miss important messages or grades.\n\nThe settings will be applied to the currently selected profile. Cancel error Error while getting data for profile %s Try again downloading Downloading data Update New grade (%s) from %s Homework from %s for %s Homework for %s %s on %s - %s Today %2$d is the lucky number. The lucky number for %1$s is %2$d. The lucky number for tomorrow is %2$d. You are the lucky number today! (%2$d) %1$s you will have the lucky number! (%2$d) Tomorrow it\'s your lucky number! (%2$d) Unread message from %s: %s New notifications: %d No update available %s from %s from %s New notice New praise New warning Release %s shared %s on %s - %s %s changed %s na %s - %s %s removed %s na %s - %s New teacher absence for %s Attendance Profile archiving Error Message from the developer Notification Lucky number School announcement New event New grade New homework New message New shared event Shared homework New teacher absence New notice Removed shared event Server message Timetable change Lesson change Update update Click to download version %s Update available LIBRUS® Rodzina login: Captcha verification required. Click to continue logging into the e-journal. The problem that prevents synchronization must be solved by the user. Click for more information. Action required in the application No notifications. OK Open Opening %s No application opening this file type Other Please wait Privacy policy Profile %s has been archived. Sync was disabled, because of the possibility of data loss on next data download.\n\nYou can still browse this profile\'s saved data.\n\nKeep in mind that some messages might not download correctly. Profile is archived Profile %s has been archived because the school year ended on %s. Sync is disabled, but you can still browse this profile\'s data. If this takes too long try to restart the app. If this takes too long try to restart the app. Loading the app… Settings Remove profile Are you sure? You are trying to remove profile %s. This means removing this profile\'s data (grades, timetables, events…) from the app.\n\nYou\'ll be able to restore most of the data by logging in again.\n\nDo you really want to remove profile %s? Scan a QR code Never Later Rate now Show that you like - rate the app and make it even better! Refresh Unregistering the user… You won\'t be able to use some functions anymore, like Event sharing and Notification forwarding.\n\nThis feature may be enabled/disabled depending on the active profile. Syncing shared events… Registration is automatic if this option is enabled. It allows you to create and receive events shared with other students in your class. Thanks to this, you can add items not saved by the teacher to the journal.\n\nContinuing means reading and accepting the Privacy policy. You need to turn on server registration, in order to share an event. This option lets you create and receive shared events in your class.\n\nIt will be turned on automatically by pressing OK.\n\nContinuing means reading and accepting the Privacy policy. Sharing events server registration Remove Removed Report Report the error Reset Save Saved No school announcements. Sending message… Changelog Or better do not click… Click to throw an unexpected exception Join our Discord community! Discord server Notice. This feature may not work on some devices or in some parts of the app. Change app language English App language Open-source licenses Privacy policy E-register © Kuba Szczodrzyński && Kacper Ziubryniewicz\nSeptember 2018 – 2022 Click to check for updates Update Version More Notification forwarding Change picture Change name Enter the name Change name Profile Turn off certain types of notifications Filter notifications Show notifications about this profile Notify about new data Remove profile picture Removes the profile and all its data Log out / remove profile Logged in as %s Include this profile during sync Sync this profile You won\'t be able to use some functions anymore, like Event sharing and Notification forwarding.\n\nThis feature may be enabled/disabled depending on the active profile. Disabling registration An error occurred, but you shouldn\'t care about it. Finished: success. Unregistering the user… Disabling registration Using this feature means agreeing to the Privacy policy, available below on the Settings screen.\n\nThis feature may be enabled/disabled depending on the active profile. Allow registration Make use of additional features in the app Allow registration Averages of both semester\'s averages Average of both semesters Final grade of 1.sem + average of 2. sem Final of 1. sem + average of 2. sem Average of 1. sem + final grade of 2. sem Average of 1. sem + final of 2. sem Average of both semester\'s final grades Average of both final grades Average of all grades from both semesters Average of all grades How to calculate the yearly average?\n\nYou can choose a different option on every profile. Calculation of the yearly average Calculation of the yearly average Current time: (not set) Current time: %s Fine-tune bell sync When waiting till the lesson ends Count time in seconds Don\'t count 0 grade to average This e-register isn\'t implemented yet. Show teacher absences in Agenda Notice board Attendances Class free days Classrooms Events/agenda Grades Homework Lucky number Messages - received Messages - sent Warns/praises Point grades Parent-teacher meetings School free days Lesson changes and cancellations Teacher absences Timetable Downloaded every 7 days This may speed up sync Enable/disable sync parts Customize app notifiations, like sounds or vibration System notification settings Quiet hours Set start time Set end time Disabled No notification sounds from %s to %s No notification sounds from %s to %s next day Quiet hours When to sync data from the e-register? Automatic sync Disabled Download data every %s Automatic sync Sync & notifications Notify about app updates Show notifications on your PC Notification forwarding Saves mobile data usage Sync only on Wi-Fi Remove app background Set app background Please, don\'t do this Change app background Restore Drawer header background Set Drawer header background Change Drawer header background Notice. Some functions may not be available in some e-registers. Mini-menu buttons Customize Mini menu buttons Show a menu on the left Show Mini menu Back button opens drawer Jingle all the way Jingle bells, Jingle bells Brrrr Bajo jajo, bajo jajo Pink System Theme Appearance Share Share… Sharing events… Agenda Grades Homework Messages Timetable An error occurred By date By subject All subjects Semester 1 Semester 2 All year Sure! Authorizing Creating notifications Getting account info Getting account list Getting certificate Updating tokens Logging in Converting data Configuring push notifications Syncing Getting account info Getting notice board Getting attendance Getting attendance types Getting behaviour grades categories Getting behaviour grades Getting agenda Getting class info Getting classrooms Getting descriptive grade categories Getting descriptive grades Getting dictionaries Getting event types Getting events Getting exams Getting grade types Getting grade comments Getting grade details Getting grades Getting homework Getting lucky number Getting messages Getting message inbox Getting message outbox Getting notice details Getting notices Getting point grade types Getting point grades Getting proposition grades Getting parent-teacher meetings Getting school free days Getting school info Syncing shared events Getting subjects Getting teacher free days Getting teacher free days types Getting class teams Getting timetable Getting timetable changes Getting teacher list Refreshing data… Loading… Synchronised Account name mismatch. Report an error. Application server error Selected register is archived Failed to download the attachment. The network drive, hosting the attachment, is inaccessible. Report error Sync error Invalid device Invalid login data Invalid school name or forbidden characters Server address is invalid. Make sure it\'s entered correctly and doesn\'t contain whitespaces. Invalid token specified. LIBRUS® Rodzina account has lost connection with the LIBRUS® Synergia account. Login on or in the "LIBRUS®" mobile app and follow the instructions to fix the problem. LIBRUS® account is not activated. Activate it using a link in the received e-mail. Login error Maintenance API address not found. Try to login again. No internet connection\n\nE-register servers may be overloaded or under maintenance. Login succeeded Old password was used This profile has been archived, so syncing it is not possible. Profile not found. Try to logout and login again. No students assigned to this account.\n\nMake sure the student is assigned to your account. Check on the desktop version of the e-register website. Student %s is not assigned to this register (login: %s).\n\nTry to log in again although this may also indicate a maintenance time. Error while saving data. Report the error. Failed to establish a secure connection. The LIBRUS® Synergia account hasn\'t been activated by a parent or legal guardian.\n\nLog into and follow the instructions in order to activate it. Timeout Unknown error Syncing agenda… All Syncing announcements… Syncing attendance… Syncing grades… Syncing homework… Syncing received messages… Syncing sent messages… Syncing notices… Syncing everything… Select which elements to synchronise. Syncing timetable… Manual sync Login error Latest data may not be displayed Report Include API response (recommended) Reporting error Sync service Click on the icon to mark all data as read. Notifications Click on the menu header to change or add a student\'s profile. Here you\'ll also find a manual sync of all profiles. Modify profiles Tutor Librarian Other Parent Parents\' council Pedagogue / Psychologist Principal School Administrator School parents\' council Secretariat Specialist Student SuperAdmin Teacher Browse category No teachers. overmorrow the day before yesterday Amber Black / OLED Blue Chocolate Dark Dark blue Dark green Dark purple Dark red Indigo Light Light blue Light green Light purple Light red Light yellow Purple Red Show timetable No lessons this day: Free day With changes for this week (%s to %s) Printable (no changes, less colors) Display the student\'s profile name With changes for the next week (%s to %s) No timetable changes Printable (less colors) This may take few seconds… Generating timetable Range of the timetable For selected week Show profile name Show names of teachers The timetable was saved in directory as an image file.\n\nYou can open or share it right away. Done Lesson cancelled Lesson change Lesson change: instead of %s Lesson shifted to other day Lesson shifted from other day Lesson shifted from %s %s Lesson shifted from %s "Lesson shifted to %s %s " Lesson shifted to %s Date Select the date Select the subject Time Select the time %s (lesson %d) No own lessons added for this day. On each %s lesson Includes a timetable for each week By subject Once Repeating (no classroom) No lessons this day No lessons this day (no name) Synchronize Timetable for this week hasn\'t been synchronized yet No timetable for week %s Contact your tutor in order to get the timetable. Timetable is not public No timetable Choose date Syncing timetable for the chosen week… Today Sync all Debugging Feedback Drafts Received messages Sent messages Trash Profile manager Switch the semester Changing profile… today tomorrow Syncing… Unknown Update needed You have to update the app in order to use it. Click OK to download. You\'re trying to run an older version of the app which may break its data. Paired browsers No connection. Paired %s No paired browsers. Pair a browser Do you want to remove this browser? Token is invalid You can\'t do this Unpair You have to enable registration in order to use Notification forwarding.\n\nSelect \"Allow registration\" in E-register Settings. What do you want to do? What is this? What\'s new? Customize widget Unified - all profiles Loading… No profile Lucky number No notifications Notifications Refresh Synchronise Use a bigger font No lessons on selected day. No lessons for the next 7 days Timetable isn\'t synchronized. Open the app and synchronize the timetable. The profile does not exist.\nAdd the widget again. No lessons for the next 7 days. Timetable isn\'t synchronized. Timetable Unified timetable Yes yesterday You\'re offline. Try enabling Wi-Fi or mobile data. Internet connection In order to download the file, you have to grant file storage permission for the application.\n\nClick OK to grant the permission. You denied the required permissions for the application.\n\nIn order to grant the permission, open the Permissions screen for in phone settings.\n\nClick OK to open app settings now. Required permissions App contributors List of contributors Contributors Translators Hide sticks from old Official build Google Play Testing version {cmd-information-outline} Recommended {cmd-android-studio} Developer version {cmd-alert-circle-outline} Testing version \??? See also Source code Git branch .APK Unofficial (.APK) Commit hash Unsaved changes Last tag Commits since last tag Remote repository Build details Check code Profile name Logout Synchronize this profile Update Not now Update Log in - %s Date Teacher By days List lesson %d By type Add new student Lesson subject Read more App version Version details Build date No API access Time Help with app development on GitHub Distribution Build verification in progress… By months Summary Type See more Update available Build details Update app to the latest version - %s. App update available Close archive Archived profile Profile is archived Holiday ;) The end of the school year Logout from other devices Student profile not found. Go to application website Get help or support authors Information about application version No current profile Loading e-registers list… Log in using token Provide mobile app token. Attendance configuration Show symbols and colors from e-register config There are no absences here. There are no grades in this semester Attendance settings What is your e-register at school? Log in using login and password Use a login in form of \"9874123u\" Use token, symbol and PIN code Register device on journal VULCAN® page Use e-mail/username and password Logging in to PPE… Podlaska Platforma Edukacyjna Logging in to VULCAN® register… Login via VULCAN® platform Log in using e-mail Attendance ID Log in with the server name, login and password Log in with the data that you provide on VULCAN® e-register website Provide data, that you use on e-register website Base type ID Counted to the stats? Choose which e-register your school uses. If you have several accounts in different e-registers, you will be able to add them later. You must have a LIBRUS® Rodzina account Only Oświata w Radomiu and Innowacyjny Tarnobrzeg How do you log into the e-register? Group consecutive days on the list Visible when the list is expanded Display attendance in months view %.2f%% Attendance during this period: %.2f%% Log in child/parent account in app Probably the school year for this student has not yet started (will start %s). Please try to sync later. The school year ended on %s. Student data from the previous year will be moved to the archive for later review. Trademarks featured in this application belong to their rightful owners and are used for informational purposes only. You are viewing a student\'s data from the school year %d/%d. To be able to scan the QR code, you need to grant access to the camera.\n\nClick OK to grant permissions. It\'s a pity, the opinions of others help me develop the application. The selected login method is still being tested and may not work properly. If you have problems with the app, please choose the recommended login method. You have an outdated version of the application. You need to update the app to continue to sync data. You are using an old version of the application (%s). To use the app and ensure the best performance, please upgrade to %s. Change log: %s You are viewing a student\'s data from the previous school year (%d /%d). Syncing and downloading of messages and some homework have been disabled. To open a student\'s profile for the current year, select Close Archive on the home page. Log in to LIBRUS® Synergia on your computer, select the Mobile Applications tab, then enter the received Token and PIN below. Enter the login received from the school with which you log into LIBRUS® Synergia (purple form).\n\nIt is recommended to log in with the LIBRUS® Family account (using e-mail) in the previous step. Log in with your LIBRUS® Rodzina account, which works in the official LIBRUS® application and on the website, in the blue form. \n\nIf you do not have a LIBRUS® Rodzina account, you can create one at If it takes too long, please check your internet connection and restart the application. Select which image corresponds to the one you see when logging in to your log website. If your school doesn\'t use any of these city platforms, choose the first option. You have an application build with unpublished changes. The build is in the repository:\n%1$s (%2$s)\nwhich is private or does not contain the latest changes.\n\nFor security reasons and compliance with the license, the use of the application has been blocked. Log in to the VULCAN® log on your computer, select the Mobile Access tab, click the Register mobile device button. Enter the received Token, Symbol and PIN in the fields below. Enter the data that you log in to the VULCAN® log website or the city platform. You cannot modify this type of compilation of the application.\n\nTo make your own changes, please use the source code available on GitHub and see the README and license information.\n\n This build contains changes not committed to any revision. Save and publish all changes before \"release\".\n\nFor security reasons and for compliance with the license, the use of the application has been blocked. You are using a \"debug\" build. This information will only be displayed once for the current device. You are using an unofficial compilation of the application. We recommend that you use only the official versions of the application.\n\nLast changes in this version were made by:\n%3$s\nin the repository:\n%1$s (%2$s).\n\nThis window will not reappear. The hash of the current commit was not found. Check Gradle configuration. Child %s does not have a profile on this account in the current school year. Probably this profile has been deleted or the student no longer attends this class.\n\nTo go to the current profile, select a student from the list or log in to their account with the Add student button. A reference to a remote repository was not found. Make sure you are using the official repository fork and verify your Gradle configuration. "Enter the data you use to log in to the MobiDziennik website. As the server address, you can enter the address of the website where you have MobiDziennik. " In order to be able to save the generated timetable, you must grant access rights to the device\'s memory.\n\nClick OK to grant permissions. (Child) (Parent) Teachers Syncing addressbook… Send message Black Gray Notes Notes Edit note Color Brown Pink Dark blue Purple Blue Teal Green Yellow Orange Red Add note Grade read the Privacy Policy and accept its provisions.

The authors of the application are not responsible for the use of the application.]]> v%s\n%s Appearance Online learning online lesson Messages settings Delete Reply Forward Discard Draft message saved Drafts Send a message Notes Notes Added on %1$s Attendance Behavior Day Event Lesson Message Note ID Owner ID Announcement Edit text The QR code doesn\'t seem correct You can add notes and share them with your class using the Add button. {cmd-playlist-edit} notes added {cmd-playlist-edit} notes added\n{cmd-swap-horizontal} text replaced with a note No notes added yet Do you want to discard the saved version of the message?\n\nThis will also cancel your changes and delete your message. Discard draft Draft message deleted Discard draft Note Note title (optional) Note text The classmates will see your note next to this item. The content of the note will be visible instead of the original content of the item. Enter the note text None Note shared Do you want to delete this note?\n\nIt will be deleted on your device and on classmates\' devices. Deleting shared note… Sharing the note… Replace original content Newest notes Save changes Do you want to save your changes as a draft?\n\nIt will be possible to edit and send the message later. The original message could not be loaded. Download again Mark with a star Details Agenda settings Share notes