Wulkanowy Login Wulkanowy Grades Attendance Exams Timetable Settings More About Log viewer Contributors Licenses Messages New message Notes and achievements Homework Choose account Semester %d, %d/%d Sign in with the student or parent account Enter the symbol Username Email Login, PESEL or e-mail Password UONET+ Register Mobile API Scraper Hybrid Token PIN API key Symbol Sign in Password too short Login details are incorrect. Make sure the correct UONET+ register is selected Invalid PIN Invalid token Token expired Invalid email Invalid login Invalid symbol Student not found. Check the symbol This field is required Selected student is already logged in The symbol can be found on the register page in Uczeń → Dostęp Mobilny → Zarejestruj urządzenie mobilne Select students to log in to the application Other options In this mode, a lucky number does not work, a class grade stats, summary of attendance, excuse for absence, completed lessons, school information and preview of the list of registered devices This mode displays the same data as it appears on the register website The combination of the best features of the other two modes. It works faster than scraper and provides features not available in the Mobile API mode. It is in the experimental phase Privacy policy Trouble signing in? Contact us! Email Discord Send email Describe details of problem: Zgłoszenie: Problemy z logowaniem Informacje o aplikacji:\n\nUrządzenie: %1$s\nWersja SDK: %2$s\nWersja aplikacji: %3$s\nDodatkowe informacje: %4$s\nOstatni błąd: %5$s\n\nOpis problemu: Make sure the correct UONET+ register is selected! I forgot my password Recover your account Recover Student is already signed in Account manager Log in Session expired Session expired, log in again Grade Semester %d Change semester No grades Weight Weight: %s Comment No new grades Number of new ratings: %1$d Average: %1$.2f Points: %s No average Predicted: %1$s Final: %1$s Total points Final grade Predicted grade Calculated average Final average Summary Class Mark as read Partial Semester Points %d grade %d grades New grade New grades You received %1$d grade You received %1$d grades Lesson Room Group Hours Changes No lessons this day Completed lessons Show completed lessons No info about completed lessons Topic Absence Resources Attendance summary Absent for school reasons Excused absence Unexcused absence Exemption Excused lateness Unexcused lateness Present Number of lesson No entries %1$d absence %1$d absences Absence reason (optional) Send Absence excused successfully! You must select at least one absence! Excuse Attendance Total No exams this week Type Entry date Inbox Sent Trash (no subject) No messages An error occurred while downloading message content From: To: Date: %s Reply Forward Delete Move to trash Delete permanently Message deleted successfully Subject Content Message sent successfully You need to choose at least 1 recipient The message content must be at least 3 characters %d message %d messages New message New messages You received %1$d message You received %1$d messages No info about notes Points %d note %d notes New note New notes You received %1$d note You received %1$d notes No info about homework Mark as done Mark as undone Attachments Lucky number Today\'s lucky number is No info about the lucky number Lucky number for today Today\'s lucky number is: %d Mobile devices No devices Deregister Device removed QR code Token Symbol PIN School and teachers School No info about school School name School address Telephone Name of headmaster Name of pedagogue Show on map Call Teachers No info about teachers No subject Add account Logout Do you want to log out of an active student? Student logout App version Contributors List of Wulkanowy developers Report a bug Send a bug report via e-mail FAQ Read Frequently Asked Questions Discord server Join the Wulkanowy community Privacy policy Rules for collecting personal data Homepage Visit the website and help develop the application Licenses Licenses of libraries used in the application Informacje o aplikacji:\n\nUrządzenie: %1$s\nWersja SDK: %2$s\nWersja aplikacji: %3$s\n\nTreść zgłoszenia: License Avatar See more on GitHub Share logs Refresh Content Retry Description No description Teacher Date Entry date Color Details Category Close No data Subject Prev Next No lessons Choose theme Light Dark Appearance Default view Calculation of the end-of-year average Force average calculation by app Show presence in attendance Application theme Expand grades Show whole class lessons Grades color scheme App language Notifications Show notifications Show debug notifications Synchronization Automatic update Suspended on holidays Updates interval Wi-Fi only Sync now Synced! Sync failed Sync in progress Synchronization Manual sync doesn\'t refresh app views. \nTo see the synced data relaunch the app after syncing. Other Value of the plus Value of the minus Reply with message history New entries in register New grades Lucky number New messages New notes Push notifications Debug Black Red Blue Green Purple No color Copied Undo No internet connection Connection to the register timed out Login failed. Try again or restart the app Password change required Maintenance underway UONET + register. Try again later An unexpected error occurred Feature disabled by your school Feature not available. Login in a mode other than Mobile API