language: android jdk: oraclejdk8 env: global: - ANDROID_API_LEVEL=29 - ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION=29.0.3 cache: directories: - $HOME/.gradle/caches/ - $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/ branches: only: - develop - 0.17.3 android: licenses: - android-sdk-preview-license-.+ - android-sdk-license-.+ - google-gdk-license-.+ components: - tools - platform-tools # The BuildTools version used by your project - build-tools-$ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION # The SDK version used to compile your project - android-$ANDROID_API_LEVEL # Additional components - extra-google-google_play_services - extra-google-m2repository - extra-android-m2repository - addon-google_apis-google-$ANDROID_API_LEVEL # Android emulator - android-22 - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22 before_script: # Launch emulator before the execution - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-22 --abi armeabi-v7a - emulator -avd test -no-audio -no-window & - android-wait-for-emulator - adb shell input keyevent 82 & - "curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' | sudo bash" script: - ./gradlew dependencies --stacktrace --daemon - fossa --no-ansi || true #- ./gradlew lintPlayRelease -x fabricGenerateResourcesPlayRelease --stacktrace --daemon - ./gradlew -Pcoverage testPlayDebugUnitTest -x fabricGenerateResourcesPlay --stacktrace --daemon - ./gradlew -Pcoverage createFdroidDebugCoverageReport --stacktrace --daemon - ./gradlew -Pcoverage jacocoTestReport --stacktrace --daemon - if [ -z ${SONAR_HOST+x} ]; then echo "sonar scan skipped"; else git fetch --unshallow; ./gradlew sonarqube -x test -x lint -x fabricGenerateResourcesPlayRelease -x fabricGenerateResourcesFdroidRelease$SONAR_HOST -Dsonar.organization=$SONAR_ORG -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_KEY${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH:-$TRAVIS_BRANCH} --stacktrace --daemon; fi - | if [ $TRAVIS_TAG ]; then gpg --yes --batch --passphrase=$SERVICES_ENCRYPT_KEY ./app/src/release/google-services.json.gpg; gpg --yes --batch --passphrase=$ENCRYPT_KEY ./app/key.p12.gpg; gpg --yes --batch --passphrase=$ENCRYPT_KEY ./app/upload-key.jks.gpg; ./gradlew publishPlayRelease -PenableCrashlytics --stacktrace; fi after_success: - bash <(curl -s